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Faber | Faber-20050719-001.jpg | Faber's Millinery advertisement | |
Faber | Faber-20050719-002.jpg | Peter Faber advertisement | |
Faber | Faber-20050719-003.jpg | Peter Faber note | |
Fadden | Fadden-20050719-001.jpg | Rose Fadden Special Servant | |
Fadden | Fadden-20050719-002.jpg | Ray Faden death | |
Fadden | Fadden-20050719-003.jpg | Ramon M Fadden memoir | |
Fadden | Fadden-20050719-004.jpg | Clifford M Fadden memoir | |
Fadden | Fadden-20050719-005.jpg | Wayne Fadden note | |
Fadden | Fadden-20050719-006.jpg | Ramon Merlin Fadden funeral | |
Fadden | Fadden-20050719-007.jpg | Ramon Faden funeral service | |
Fadden | Fadden-20050719-008.jpg | Raymond Radden obituary | |
Fadden | Fadden-20120219-009.jpg | Sorina Rose Fadden engagement announcement 0820-2005 | |
Fadden | Fadden-20120406-010.jpg | Clifford M Fadden obituary 02-17-1981 | |
Fadden | Fadden-20120406-011.jpg | Clifford M Fadden obituary 02-17-1981 | |
Fadden | FaddenWeiland wedding001.jpg | "Larrie Fadden weds Joan Weiland April 7 | |
Fairbanks | Fairbanks-20110930-001.jpg | Eleanor A Fairbanks obituary | |
Falk | Falk-20120402-001.jpg | Herman C Falk obituary 06-25-1897 - ? | |
Falk | Falk-20120406-002.jpg | Ann J [Falk] Leitz obituary 12-09-1981 | |
Fargo | Fargo-20050719-001.jpg | Fargo notes | |
Farmer | Farmer-20110929-001.jpg | Jacob Farmer Long Lake youth earns Farmers Union award | |
Farnon | Farnon-20050719-001.jpg | Charles Farnon plat info | |
Farrell | Farrell-20120211-001.jpg | Warren D Farrell obituary March 1978 | |
Farrington | Farrington-20050719-001.jpg | C W Farrington plat info | |
Farrington | Farrington-20050719-002.jpg | Farrington notes | |
Fassett | Fassett-20050719-001.jpg | Fassett notes | |
Faue | Faue-20050719-001.jpg | John Faue note | |
Faue | Faue-20050719-002.jpg | Mr and Mrs Edwin Faue 50th anniversary | |
Faue | Faue-20050719-003.jpg | Margaret Faue note | |
Faue | Faue-20050719-004.jpg | Harold and Anita Faue 40th anniversary | |
Faue | Faue-20050719-005.jpg | Josephine A Faue memoir | |
Faue | Faue-20050719-006.jpg | Mrs Marion Faue estate auction | |
Faue | Faue-20050719-007.jpg | Margaret L Faue funeral service | |
Faue | Faue-20050719-008.jpg | Henry Faue plat info | |
Faue | Faue-20050719-009.jpg | Faue notes | |
Faue | Faue-20050719-010.jpg | Faue notes | |
Faue | Faue-20111206-011.jpg | "Rose M Faue obituary 09-25-1985 NOTE: original document located in box entitled Annual Meeting Minutes | |
Faue | Faue-20111231-012.jpg | "Rev Mathias Gerald Faue obituary 02-20-1988 NOTE; document located in box entitled Annual Meeting Minutes | |
Faue | Faue-20120107-013.jpg | "Floyd A Faue obituary NOTE: document located in box entitled Annual Meeting Minutes | |
Faue | Faue-20120109-014.jpg | "Margaret L Faue obituary NOTE: document located in box entitled Annual Meeting Minutes | |
Faue | Faue-20120109-015.jpg | "Margaret Faue obituary NOTE; document located in box entitled Annual Meeting Minutes | |
Faue | Faue-20120402-016.jpg | Wilfred F Faue obituary | |
Faue | Faue-20120429-017.jpg | Ediwn E Faue obituary 04-05-1980 | |
Faue | Faue-20120429-018.jpg | Edwin E Faue obituary 1980 | |
Favrow | Favrow-20050719-001.jpg | Favrow notes | |
Favrow | Favrow-20050719-002.jpg | Frank Favro and Hannah Dickey | |
Featherstone | Featherstone-20050719-001.jpg | Robert A Featherstone letter | |
Featherstone | Featherstone-20050719-002.jpg | R P Featherstone Letter to the Editor | |
Featherstone | Featherstone-20050719-003.jpg | - | |
Featherstone | Featherstone-20050719-004.jpg | Harriet Featherstone Thank You | |
Featherstone | Featherstone-20050719-005.jpg | Featherstone notes | |
Featherstone | Featherstone-20050719-006.jpg | Featherstone newspaper article | |
Featherstone | Featherstone-20050719-007.jpg | Robert A Featherstone Radio Communicator article | |
Featherstone | Featherstone-20050719-008.jpg | Featherstone memories | |
Featherstone | Featherstone-20050719-009.jpg | Robert Featherstone | |
Featherstone | Featherstone-20050719-010.jpg | Harriet Featherstone letter 1 of 2 | |
Featherstone | Featherstone-20050719-011.jpg | Harriet Featherstone letter 2 of 2 | |
Featherstone | Featherstone-20050719-012.jpg | Harriet Featherstone interview 1 of 4 | |
Featherstone | Featherstone-20050719-013.jpg | Harriet Featherstone interview 2 of 4 | |
Featherstone | Featherstone-20050719-014.jpg | Harriet Featherstone interview 3 of 4 | |
Featherstone | Featherstone-20050719-015.jpg | Harriet Featherstone interview 4 of 4 | |
Featherstone | Featherstone-20050719-016.jpg | Joseph Featherstone note 1 of 3 | |
Featherstone | Featherstone-20050719-017.jpg | Joseph Featherstone note 2 of 3 | |
Featherstone | Featherstone-20050719-018.jpg | Joseph Featherstone note 3 of 3 | |
Featherstone | Featherstone-20050719-019.jpg | Harriet Featherstone note 1 of 3 | |
Featherstone | Featherstone-20050719-020.jpg | Harriet Featherstone note 2 of 3 | |
Featherstone | Featherstone-20050719-021.jpg | Harriet Featherstone note 3 of 3 | |
Featherstone | Featherstone-20050719-022.jpg | Joe Featherstone notes | |
Featherstone | Featherstone-20050719-023.jpg | Harriet Featherstone notes | |
Featherstone | Featherstone-20050719-024.jpg | Harriet Featherstone note | |
Featherstone | Featherstone-20050719-025.jpg | Harriet Featherstone note | |
Feger | Feger-20050719-001.jpg | Jacob Feger plat info | |
Feigal | Feigal-20100929-001.jpg | "David William Feigal | |
Feldman | Feldman-20120104-001.jpg | "Terry D Feldman obituary NOTE: document located in box entitled Annual Meeting Minutes | |
Feltes | Feltes-20050719-001.jpg | Feltes notes | |
Fenderson | Fenderson-20050719-001.jpg | Abby Fenderson plat info | |
Ferguson | Ferguson-20050719-001.jpg | Ferguson interview with Mrs Nellie Wright | |
Ferguson | Ferguson-20050719-002.jpg | Mrs L D Ferguson article | |
Ferguson | Ferguson-20050719-003.jpg | Lydia Ferguson notes 1 of 4 | |
Ferguson | Ferguson-20050719-004.jpg | Lydia Ferguson notes 2 of 4 | |
Ferguson | Ferguson-20050719-005.jpg | Lydia Ferguson notes 3 of 4 | |
Ferguson | Ferguson-20050719-006.jpg | Lydia Ferguson notes 4 of 4 | |
Ferguson | Ferguson-20050719-007.jpg | William Henry Ferguson plat info | |
Ferguson | Ferguson-20050719-008.jpg | Lydia Ferguson American Artists | |
Ferguson | Ferguson-20050719-009.jpg | William Ferguson plat info | |
Ferguson | Ferguson-20050719-010.jpg | Lydia Ferguson gallery show | |
Ferguson | Ferguson-20050719-011.jpg | Ferguson interview with Nellie Wright | |
Ferguson | Ferguson-20050719-012.jpg | Ferguson notes | |
Ferguson | Ferguson-20050719-013.jpg | Ferguson notes | |
Ferguson | Ferguson-20050807-014.jpg | Lydia Ferguson newspaper article | |
Ferguson | Ferguson-20050807-015.jpg | Lydia Ferguson article | |
Ferguson | Ferguson-20050807-016.jpg | Lydia Ferguson Journal charts early day article 1 of 2 | |
Ferguson | Ferguson-20050807-017.jpg | Lydia Ferguson Journal... 2 of 2 | |
Ferguson | Ferguson-20050807-018.jpg | William H and Lyida Ferguson One Pioneer Family article | |
Ferguson | Ferguson-20050807-019.jpg | William Ferguson Jr death | |
Ferguson | Ferguson-20050807-020.jpg | William H Ferguson 1854 | |
Ferguson | Ferguson-20050807-021.jpg | Lydia Ferguson 1854 | |
Ferguson | Ferguson-20050807-022.jpg | Lydia Ferguson gallery show | |
Ferguson | Ferguson-20050807-023.jpg | William Ferguson Reflections on Lake Minnetonka article | |
Ferguson | Ferguson-20050807-024.jpg | Lydia Ferguson diary entry | |
Ferguson | Ferguson-20050807-025.jpg | William H Ferguson U.S. Bounty Land grant | |
Ferguson | Ferguson-20050807-026.jpg | Lydia Ferguson 100 years of Deephaven history in new book article | |
Ferguson | Ferguson-20050807-027.jpg | William H Ferguson A Granddaughter's Recollections article | |
Ferguson | Ferguson-20050807-028.jpg | "Henry | |
Ferguson | Ferguson-20050807-029.jpg | Ferguson notes | |
Ferguson | Ferguson-20050807-030.jpg | Ferguson notes | |
Ferguson | Ferguson-20050807-031.jpg | C Ferguson note | |
Ferguson | Ferguson-20050807-032.jpg | Ferguson diary 1 of 21 | |
Ferguson | Ferguson-20050807-033.jpg | Ferguson diary 2 of 21 | |
Ferguson | Ferguson-20050807-034.jpg | Ferguson diary 3 of 21 | |
Ferguson | Ferguson-20050807-035.jpg | Ferguson diary 4 of 21 | |
Ferguson | Ferguson-20050807-036.jpg | Ferguson diary 5 of 21 | |
Ferguson | Ferguson-20050807-037.jpg | Ferguson diary 6 of 21 | |
Ferguson | Ferguson-20050807-038.jpg | Ferguson diary 7 of 21 | |
Ferguson | Ferguson-20050807-039.jpg | Ferguson diary 8 of 21 | |
Ferguson | Ferguson-20050807-040.jpg | Ferguson diary 9 of 21 | |
Ferguson | Ferguson-20050807-041.jpg | Ferguson diary 10 of 21 | |
Ferguson | Ferguson-20050807-042.jpg | Ferguson diary 11 of 21 | |
Ferguson | Ferguson-20050807-043.jpg | Ferguson diary 12 of 21 | |
Ferguson | Ferguson-20050807-044.jpg | Ferguson diary 13 of 21 | |
Ferguson | Ferguson-20050807-045.jpg | Ferguson diary 14 of 21 | |
Ferguson | Ferguson-20050807-046.jpg | Ferguson diary 15 of 21 | |
Ferguson | Ferguson-20050807-047.jpg | Ferguson diary 16 of 21 | |
Ferguson | Ferguson-20050807-048.jpg | Ferguson diary 17 of 21 | |
Ferguson | Ferguson-20050807-049.jpg | Ferguson diary 18 of 21 | |
Ferguson | Ferguson-20050807-050.jpg | Ferguson diary 19 of 21 | |
Ferguson | Ferguson-20050807-051.jpg | Ferguson diary 20 of 21 | |
Ferguson | Ferguson-20050807-052.jpg | Ferguson diary 21 of 21 | |
Ferguson | Ferguson-20111026-053.jpg | "Mary Ferguson obituary NOTE: originla documetn located in box entitled Annual Meeting Minutes | |
Ferguson | Ferguson-20120314-054.jpg | William H Ferguson note | |
Ferguson | Ferguson-20160502-055.JPG | Ferguson - William Henry Ferguson of Ferguson's Point. Crippled soldier of Vol. 1st Minnesota Regiment. Picture taken at State Fair Grounds September 1905 Located in Photo Gallery N22 | |
Ferguson | Ferguson-20160502-056.JPG | "William H Ferguson Family (first settlers at Linwood | |
Fernald | Fernald-20050807-001.jpg | John Fernald plat info | |
Fernandez | Fernandez-20050807-001.jpg | Mario Fernandez Orono Man paints '84 pheasant stamp article 1 of 2 | |
Fernandez | Fernandez-20050807-002.jpg | Mario Fernandez....2 of 2 | |
Ferodowill | Ferodowill-20050807-001.jpg | Unidentified | |
Ferodowill | Ferodowill-20050807-002.jpg | Frank X Ferodowill | |
Ferodowill | Ferodowill-20050807-003.jpg | Ferodowill notes | |
Ferrell | Ferrell-20050807-003.jpg | - | |
Ferrell | Ferrell-20050807-007.jpg | David Compton Ferrell | |
Ferrell | Ferrell-20050807-008.jpg | "David Compton Ferrell and wife by house | |
Ferrell | Ferrell-20050807-009.jpg | Ferrel family Bible records 1 of 3 | |
Ferrell | Ferrell-20050807-010.jpg | Ferrell family bible records 2 of 3 | |
Ferrell | Ferrell-20050807-011.jpg | Ferrell family bible records 3 of 3 | |
Ferrell | Ferrell-20050807-012.jpg | Ferrell interview with Fay Johnston Pierce | |
Ferrell | Ferrell-20050807-013.jpg | Ferrell - data from Sumner Johnston family scrapbook | |
Ferrell | Ferrell-20050807-014.jpg | Ferrell Bible notes | |
Ferrell | Ferrell-20050807-015.jpg | Ferrell notes | |
Ferrell | Ferrell-20050807-016.jpg | R E Ferrell notes | |
Ferrell | Ferrell-20050807-017.jpg | Sophronia Ferrell notes | |
Ferrell | Ferrell-20050807-018.jpg | Wm Oran Ferrell life history 1 of 2 | |
Ferrell | Ferrell-20050807-019.jpg | Wm Oran....2 of 2 | |
Ferrell | Ferrell-20050807-020.jpg | David Compton Ferrell notes | |
Ferrell | Ferrell-20050807-022.jpg | Ferrell - Sumner Johnston note | |
Ferrell | Ferrell-20050807-023.jpg | Ferrell - Richard Lyman family history | |
Ferrell | Ferrell-20050807-024.jpg | Reginald E Ferrell death | |
Ferrell | Ferrell-20050807-025.jpg | Laura Ferrell memoir | |
Ferrell | Ferrell-20050807-026.jpg | Ferrell - Faye Johnston Pierce granddaughter note | |
Ferrell | Ferrell-20050807-027.jpg | Ward Ferrell newspaper article | |
Ferrell | Ferrell-20050807-028.jpg | Richard G Ferrell memoir | |
Ferrell | Ferrell-20050807-029.jpg | Reginald E Ferrell memoir | |
Ferrell | Ferrell-20050807-030.jpg | Barbara Jane Ferrell engagement | |
Ferrell | Ferrell-20050807-031.jpg | Richard G Ferrell Obituary | |
Ferrell | Ferrell-20050807-032.jpg | Ferrell notes | |
Ferrell | Ferrell-20050807-033.jpg | Ferrell notes | |
Ferrell | Ferrell-20050807-034.jpg | Ferrell notes | |
Ferrell | Ferrell-20050807-035.jpg | Reginald E Ferrell estate auction | |
Ferrell | Ferrell-20050807-036.jpg | "David C Ferrell | |
Ferrell | Ferrell-20111012-041.jpg | David Compton Ferrell 60th anniversary | |
Ferrell | Ferrell-20111225-042.jpg | Nancy Ferrell Geng request for research 09-2010 | |
Ferrell | Ferrell-20111225-043.jpg | "Don Ferrell obituary 05-25-1984 NOTE: document located in box entitired Annual Meeting Minutes | |
Ferrell | Ferrell-20120314-044.jpg | "Donald R Ferrell memoriam 10-10-1920 - 05-22-1984 NOTE: document located in box entitled Annual Meeting Minutes | |
Ferrell | Ferrell-20120323-045.jpg | Eugene Ferrell note | |
Ferrell | Ferrell-20120323-046.jpg | Laura Ferrell obituary | |
Ferrell | Ferrell-20121002-002.jpg | Laura Ferrell memoriam 09-071895 - 11-29-1982 | |
Ferrell | Ferrell-20130816-047.jpg | David C Ferrell home 1881 | |
Ferrell | Ferrell-20130818-005.jpg | Reg & Pauline Ferrell - copied from Dan Stubbs collection | |
Ferrell | Ferrell-20130818-006.jpg | Reg & Laura Ferrell | |
Ferrell | Ferrell-20140407-040.jpg | Sophrona Ferrell Johnston | |
Ferrell | Ferrell-20151010-021.jpg | "David & Sarah Ferrell 206 Minnetonka | |
Ferrell | Ferrell-20151010-039.jpg | Lyman Family from Sophronia Ferrell Johnston note | |
Ferrell | Ferrell-20151010-049.jpg | "Reg Ferrell and Roger Stubbs | |
Ferrell | Ferrell-20151010-050.jpg | Reg & Pauline Ferrell about 1900 | |
Ferrell | Ferrell-20151010-051.jpg | "Reginald Ferrell Headstone | |
Ferrell | Ferrell-20151010-052.jpg | Reg Ferrell about 1895 | |
Ferrell | Ferrell-20151010-053.jpg | "Inside 3085 Watertown Rd 1957 | |
Ferrell | Ferrell-20151010-054.jpg | "Reg & Laura Ferrell and Laura's sister | |
Ferrell | Ferrell-20151010-055.jpg | Reg & Pauline Ferrell back of photo | |
Ferrell | Ferrell-20151010-056.jpg | Reg and Pauline Ferrell about 1900 | |
Ferrell | Ferrell-20151012-004.jpg | Reg Ferrell WWI | |
Ferrell | Ferrell-20151012-037.jpg | "David Compton Ferrell family | |
Ferrell | Ferrell-20151012-038.JPG | Ferrell 206 Minnetonka Ave S - built in 1903 Wayzata Historical homes. Year built corrected with Wayzata Historica Soc 2014 | |
Ferrell | Ferrell-20160502-001.JPG | "Don Ferrell headstone | |
Ferrell | Ferrell-20160716-048.JPG | David and Sarah Ferrell of Groveland Located in Photo Gallery E04 | |
Ferrell | Ferrell-20140407-001.jpg | Reginald E Ferrell 1894-1974; Located in Photo Gallery M05 | |
Ferrin | Ferrin-20100807-008.jpg | Helen Merle Ferring memoriam 1 of 2 | |
Ferrin | Ferrin-20100807-009.jpg | Helen Merle Ferring memoriam 2 of 2 | |
Ferrin | Ferrin-20100807-010.jpg | Helen Merle Ferrin memoriam | |
Ferrin | Ferrin-20100807-011.jpg | Helen Merle Ferrin memoriam 1 of 3 | |
Ferrin | Ferrin-20100807-012.jpg | Helen Merle Ferrin memoriam 2 of 3 | |
Ferrin | Ferrin-20100807-013.jpg | Helen Merle Ferrin memoriam 3 of 3 | |
Ferrin | Ferrin-20100922-001.jpg | Helen Merle Ferrin memoriam 11-21-2009 | |
Ferrin | Ferrin-20101013-002.jpg | Helen Merle Ferrin Memoriam 1 of 2 | |
Ferrin | Ferrin-20101013-003.jpg | Helen Merle Ferrin Memoriam 2 of 2 | |
Ferrin | Ferrin-20101013-005.jpg | Helen Merle [Stubbs] Ferrin obituary | |
Ferrin | Ferrin-20111228-006.jpg | "Allison Ferrin note NOTE; document located in box entitled Annual Meeting Minutes | |
Ferrin | Ferrin-20120508-007.jpg | Helen V [Eide] Ferrin obituary 07-05-1979 | |
Ferrin | Russ Ferrin001.jpg | "Arthur ""Russ"" Ferrin 8-17-1942 to 5-29-2016" | |
Feser | Feser-20050808-001.jpg | Mike Feser notes | |
Feser | Feser-20050808-002.jpg | Tony Feser Wayzata green thumb.... article 1 of 2 | |
Feser | Feser-20050808-003.jpg | Tony Feser....2 of 2 | |
Feser | Feser-20050808-004.jpg | Tony Feser article 1 of 2 | |
Feser | Feser-20050808-005.jpg | Tony Feser article 2 of 2 | |
Feser | Feser-20050808-006.jpg | Leo Feser 1918 | |
Feser | Feser-20050808-007.jpg | Tony Feser 1-5-1977 | |
Feser | Feser-20050808-008.jpg | Donald Feser 1926 | |
Feser | Feser-20050808-010.jpg | Leo Feser | |
Feser | Feser-20050808-011.jpg | Tony Feser newspaper article | |
Feser | Feser-20050808-013.jpg | Leo Feser death | |
Feser | Feser-20050808-014.jpg | Fred Feser advertisement | |
Feser | Feser-20050808-015.jpg | "L J Feser | |
Feser | Feser-20050808-016.jpg | Mike Feser notes | |
Feser | Feser-20050808-017.jpg | Grace Feser - receipt | |
Feser | Feser-20050808-018.jpg | Leo Feser Honored | |
Feser | Feser-20050808-019.jpg | Mike Feser notes | |
Feser | Feser-20050808-020.jpg | M K Feser notes | |
Feser | Feser-20050808-022.jpg | Feser notes | |
Feser | Feser-20050808-024.jpg | Mike Feser takes Avery Stubbs on historical tour 1 of 7 | |
Feser | Feser-20050808-025.jpg | Mike Feser takes....2 of 7 | |
Feser | Feser-20050808-026.jpg | Mike Feser takes....3 of 7 | |
Feser | Feser-20050808-027.jpg | Mike Feser takes....4 of 7 | |
Feser | Feser-20050808-028.jpg | Mike Feser takes....5 of 7 | |
Feser | Feser-20050808-029.jpg | Mike Feser takes....6 of 7 | |
Feser | Feser-20050808-030.jpg | Mike Feser....7 of 7 | |
Feser | Feser-20050808-031.jpg | Tony Feser Named Citizen of the Year article | |
Feser | Feser-20050808-032.jpg | Leo J Feser Statement of Intent | |
Feser | Feser-20050808-033.jpg | Feser notes | |
Feser | Feser-20050808-034.jpg | Leo J Feser memoir | |
Feser | Feser-20050808-035.jpg | Feser family notes | |
Feser | Feser-20050808-037.jpg | M K Feser (Mike) advertisement | |
Feser | Feser-20050808-038.jpg | Edna R Feser Obituary | |
Feser | Feser-20050808-039.jpg | Mike Feser | |
Feser | Feser-20050808-040.jpg | Fred Feser article | |
Feser | Feser-20050808-041.jpg | Leo J Feser - A Suggestion article | |
Feser | Feser-20050808-042.jpg | Feser - Bernadette Klein Zoo still struggles | |
Feser | Feser-20050808-043.jpg | M K Feser notes 1 of 3 | |
Feser | Feser-20050808-044.jpg | M K Feser notes 2 of 3 | |
Feser | Feser-20050808-045.jpg | M K Feser notes 3 of 3 | |
Feser | Feser-20050808-046.jpg | Feser - newspaper article | |
Feser | Feser-20050808-047.jpg | Feser - Virginia L Rumpsa Obituary | |
Feser | Feser-20050808-048.jpg | Feser - Bernie Klein | |
Feser | Feser-20050808-049.jpg | Bernie Klein Hennepin County Commissioner District 5 | |
Feser | Feser-20050808-050.jpg | Bernie Klein newspaper article | |
Feser | Feser-20050808-051.jpg | Feser - Bernie Klein | |
Feser | Feser-20050808-052.jpg | Feser - Mike Rumpzas 25th anniversary | |
Feser | Feser-20050808-053.jpg | M K Feser (Mike) advertisement | |
Feser | Feser-20050808-054.jpg | Bob Feser notes 1 of 3 | |
Feser | Feser-20050808-055.jpg | Bob Feser notes 2 of 3 | |
Feser | Feser-20050808-056.jpg | Bob Feser notes 3 of 3 | |
Feser | Feser-20050808-057.jpg | Mike Feser takes Avery Stubbs on Woodhill Country Club Hills tour 1 of 5 | |
Feser | Feser-20050808-058.jpg | Mike Feser takes....2 of 5 | |
Feser | Feser-20050808-059.jpg | Mike Feser takes....3 of 5 | |
Feser | Feser-20050808-060.jpg | Mike Feser takes....4 of 5 | |
Feser | Feser-20050808-062.jpg | Feser - James J Hill house article | |
Feser | Feser-20050808-063.jpg | Tony Feser | |
Feser | Feser-20050808-066.jpg | Feser - Laurie Merz and Bassoon Students at WHCPA | |
Feser | Feser-20050808-067.jpg | Unidentified | |
Feser | Feser-20050808-068.jpg | M K Feser ration book | |
Feser | Feser-20050808-069.jpg | Feser notes | |
Feser | Feser-20050808-070.jpg | Grace D Feser war ration book | |
Feser | Feser-20050808-071.jpg | Unidentified | |
Feser | Feser-20050808-072.jpg | Minnetonka Mills? | |
Feser | Feser-20050808-073.jpg | Mrs Maylin Feser collection | |
Feser | Feser-20100916-080.jpg | Lorraine Feser and Marilyn Berglund hold a join reception and graduation open house | |
Feser | Feser-20100916-082.jpg | "Ruth Marian Feser | |
Feser | Feser-20100921-094.jpg | "Ruth Marian Feser | |
Feser | Feser-20100922-083.jpg | Bernie Klein baby shower 1955 | |
Feser | Feser-20100922-085.jpg | "Bertha R Feser obituary August 5 | |
Feser | Feser-20100922-087.jpg | "Bernadette Feser wedding shower invitation May 3 | |
Feser | Feser-20100922-088.jpg | "Lorraine Esther marriage invitation 05-29-1954 | |
Feser | Feser-20100922-089.jpg | Bernedette Feser Wayzata Sr High Commencement Exercise announcement | |
Feser | Feser-20110108-090.jpg | Hackmann wins GCSAA's Leo Feser Award | |
Feser | Feser-20110422-093.jpg | Bob Feser note 01-29-2010 | |
Feser | Feser-20111228-091.jpg | "Esther Rumpsa obituary 1986 NOTE: document located in box entitled Annual Meeting Minutes | |
Feser | Feser-20120216-092.jpg | Florence Ice Feser obituary 1992 | |
Feser | Feser-20120414-065.jpg | Jane (Hatcher) Mattila with quilt | |
Feser | Feser-20130323-009.jpg | "Feser - Mrs (Barney) Richard C Klein | |
Feser | Feser-20140513-106.jpg | - | |
Feser | Feser-20140513-107.jpg | - | |
Feser | Feser-20140516-012.jpg | Leo Feser Honored Orono and Medina Golf courses | |
Feser | Feser-20140516-021.jpg | Leo J Feser Letter to the Editor about M. G. Gullixson | |
Feser | Feser-20140516-023.jpg | Feser note to Esther and Roland Berglund | |
Feser | Feser-20140516-061.jpg | "Map of Rat Road | |
Feser | Feser-20140516-074.jpg | Woodhill Golf Course/ Road bed of North Beach (Rat Road) Road and bridge marker | |
Feser | Feser-20140701-081.jpg | - | |
Feser | Feser-20140701-084.jpg | - | |
Feser | Feser-20140701-086.jpg | - | |
Feser | Feser-20140701-097.jpg | - | |
Feser | Feser-20140701-102.jpg | - | |
Feser | Feser-20140708-101.jpg | - | |
Feser | Feser-20140712-036.jpg | Leo J Feser Orono Golf Course; Golf Course Superintendents Assoc of America | |
Feser | Feser-20140712-076.tif | - | |
Feser | Feser-20140712-098.tif | - | |
Feser | Feser-20140712-099.tif | - | |
Feser | Feser-20140712-100.tif | - | |
Feser | Feser-20140712-103.tif | - | |
Feser | Feser-20140712-104.tif | - | |
Feser | Feser-20150711-064.jpg | Noerenberg house door entry | |
Feser | Feser-20150711-105.jpg | Orono (Orchards) Golf Course 1930s? | |
Feser | Feser-20150828-077.jpg | Tony Feser | |
Feser | Feser-20150828-078.jpg | Tony Feser Obituary | |
Feser | Feser-20150828-079.jpg | Tony Feser Obituary | |
Feser | Feser-20160502-075.JPG | "Killian Feser | |
Feser | Leo Feser Photograph.pdf | - | |
Feser | Orono 125th.docx | - | |
Feser | The National Greenkeeper | - | |
Fetter | Fetter-20050808-001.jpg | Marde Fetter Swanson Johnson interview | |
Fetter | Fetter-20050808-002.jpg | Ophelia Fetter Obituary | |
Fetter | Fetter-20050808-003.jpg | Fetter - Wallace L Swanson notes | |
Fetter | Fetter-20050808-004.jpg | Fetter notes | |
Fetter | Fetter-20050808-005.jpg | Fetter notes | |
Fetter | Fetter-20050808-006.jpg | Fetter notes | |
Fetter | Fetter-20050808-007.jpg | Fetter notes | |
Fetter | Fetter-20050808-008.jpg | Fetter notes | |
Fetter | Fetter-20120314-009.jpg | Ophilia Catherine [Lyons] Fetter note | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20050808-019.jpg | Fetterley - Blank families 1 of 2 | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20050808-020.jpg | Fetterley-Blank Families 2 of 2 | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20050808-023.jpg | Hazel Fetterly note | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20050808-032.jpg | "905 South Old Crystal Bay Road | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20050808-034.jpg | - | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20050810-039.jpg | Fetterly recollections 4 of 32 | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20050810-040.jpg | Fetterly recollections 5 of 32 | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20050810-042.jpg | Fetterly recollections 7 of 32 | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20050810-043.jpg | Fetterly recollections 8 of 32 | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20050810-044.jpg | Fetterly recollections 9 of 32 | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20050810-045.jpg | Fetterly recollections 10 of 32 | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20060606-059.jpg | Fetterly recollections 14 of 32 | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20060606-061.jpg | Fetterly recollections 15 of 32 | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20060606-062.jpg | Fetterly recollections 16 of 32 | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20060606-063.jpg | Fetterly recollections 17 of 32 | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20060606-065.jpg | Fetterly recollections 19 of 32 | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20060606-066.jpg | Fetterly recollections 20 of 32 | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20060606-067.jpg | Fetterly recollections 21 of 32 | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20060606-068.jpg | Fetterly recollections 22 of 32 | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20060606-071.jpg | Fetterly recollections 25 of 32 | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20060614-049.jpg | Hazel Fetterley article | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20060614-050.jpg | Mr and Mrs J A Fetterly article | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20060614-060.jpg | Oscar Fetterly recollections of | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20070316-017.JPG | "Fetterly - Elsie at Maple Plain Bank | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20070316-080.JPG | Fetterly - Herb and track gang | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20070316-081.JPG | Fetterly - Herb at track machine | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20070405-003.JPG | Fetterly - Bertha and Edythe by Cadillac | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20070405-004.JPG | Fetterly - Christeen and Edythe | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20070405-006.JPG | Fetterly - Christeen and cutler sisster | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20070405-007.JPG | Fetterly - Christeen and Edythe | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20070405-008.JPG | Fetterly - Christeen in backyard | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20070405-009.JPG | "Fetterly - Christeen | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20070405-016.JPG | "Fetterly - Edythe | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20070405-018.JPG | "Fetterly - Elsie | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20070405-082.JPG | Fetterly - Herb by a car | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20070405-085.JPG | "Fetterly - Herb | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20070405-104.JPG | Fetterly - Mable and Edy | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20070405-105.JPG | Mable Fetterley | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20070405-106.JPG | Fetterly - Mable at Maple Plain | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20070405-107.JPG | Fetterly - Mable by car | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20070405-108.JPG | Fetterly - Oscar sharpening mowers | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20070518-001.JPG | Fetterly - Alberta and Mable wedding | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20070518-002.JPG | Fetterly - Art and Eleanor | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20070518-005.JPG | Fetterly _ Christeen and Oscar | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20070518-010.JPG | Fetterly - Chuck and Herb | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20070518-011.JPG | Fetterly - Edythe and Milton | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20070518-012.JPG | Fetterly - Edythe by Turnhams | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20070518-013.JPG | Fetterly - Edythe Fetterly | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20070518-014.JPG | Fetterly - Edythe sitting on fence | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20070518-015.JPG | Fetterly - Edythe with ukelyle | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20070518-079.JPG | Fetterly - Herb and Oscar in backyard | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20070518-083.JPG | "Fetterly - Herb | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20070518-103.JPG | Fetterly - Mabel and Art by car | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20070518-110.JPG | Fetterly - Tom and Joyce on Russell | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20110117-086.jpg | Oscar Fetterley Family information | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20111231-087.jpg | "Edith Fetterly - Milton Ronning | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20120108-088.jpg | Fetterly family history | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20120109-089.jpg | "Elsie Fetterley obituary 11-22-1989 NOTE: document located in box entitled Annual Meeting Minutes | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20120314-090.jpg | Arthur Fetterly note | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20120315-091.jpg | Fetterley - John K Reid Sr obituary | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20150311-021.jpg | Fetterley notes | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20150311-022.jpg | Mr and Mrs J A Fetterly 1918 note | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20150311-024.jpg | Oscar Fetterley building a blacksmith garage | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20150311-025.jpg | J.A. Fetterly notes | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20150311-026.jpg | J.A. Fetterly Letter | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20150311-027.jpg | J.A. Fetterley notes | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20150311-028.jpg | J.A. Fetterly notes | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20150311-029.jpg | Oscar & James Fetterly notes | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20150311-030.jpg | Oscar & James Fetterly notes | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20150311-031.jpg | Oscar & James Fetterly notes | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20150311-033.jpg | James Fetterly family----Mr and Mrs Fetterly Piano Recital | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20150311-035.jpg | "Myrtle Fetterley (daughter of James Fetterly) Shower | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20150311-036.jpg | "Laura Kvas | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20150311-037.jpg | Oscar Fetterley recollections 2 of 32 | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20150311-038.jpg | Oscar Fetterly recollections....3 of 32 | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20150311-041.jpg | Oscar (Osker) Fetterly recollections 6 of 32 | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20150311-046.jpg | Oscar (Osker) Fetterly recollections 11 of 32 | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20150311-047.jpg | Oscar (Osker) Fetterly recollections 12 of 32 | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20150311-048.jpg | Oscar Fetterley note | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20150311-051.jpg | Ralph Fetterley family-----Carl Fetterley Obituary | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20150311-052.jpg | James Fetterley family----Mr and Mrs Fetterly Piano Recital | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20150311-053.jpg | Oscar & James Fetterley notes | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20150311-054.jpg | Fetterley notes | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20150311-055.jpg | James Fetterley family----Fetterly notes | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20150311-056.jpg | Fetterley notes | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20150311-057.jpg | James Fetterley family----Fetterly interview | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20150311-058.jpg | George Fetterley family 1871 Ontario census | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20150311-064.jpg | Oscar (Osker) Fetterley recollections 18 of 32 | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20150311-069.jpg | Oscar (Osker) Fetterley recollections 23 of 32 | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20150311-070.jpg | Oscar (Osker) Fetterley recollections 24 of 32 | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20150311-072.jpg | Oscar Fetterley recollections 26 of 32 | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20150311-073.jpg | Oscar (Osker) Fetterley recollections 27 of 32 | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20150311-074.jpg | Oscar (Osker) Fetterley recollections 28 of 32 | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20150311-075.jpg | Oscar (Osker) Fetterley recollections 29 of 32 | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20150311-076.jpg | Oscar (Osker) Fetterley recollections 30 of 32 | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20150311-077.jpg | Oscar (Osker) Fetterley recollections 31 of 32 | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20150311-078.jpg | Fetterley recollections 32 of 32 | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20150311-084.JPG | Fetterly - Herb working track machine on Great Northern Railway | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20150311-092.jpg | Edythe {Fetterley] Ronning note | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20150311-109.JPG | Fetterley - Herb on motorcar Great Northern Railway | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20150627-101.JPG | - | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20150627-102.JPG | - | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20151010-093.JPG | Bertha May Fetterley | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20151010-094.JPG | James Arthur Fetterley | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20151010-095.JPG | James Arthur Fetterley | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20151010-096.JPG | Christeen Fetterley | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20151010-097.JPG | Oscar Fetterley | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20151010-098.JPG | Edward & Mable Bickford | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20151010-099.JPG | Baby Bickford | |
Fetterley | Fetterley-20151010-100.JPG | Fetterley Headstone | |
Fick | Fick-20050808-001.jpg | John Fick plat info | |
Field Folder | Field Folder-20110930-001.jpg | Rebecca Field Local photographer reaching out to North Minneapolis | |
Field Folder | Field Folder-20110930-002.jpg | Rebecca Field Long Lake naturalist.... 2 of 3 | |
Field Folder | Field Folder-20110930-003.jpg | Rebecca Field Long Lake naturalist and photographer releases book 1 of 3 | |
Field Folder | Field Folder-20110930-004.jpg | Rebecca Field Long Lake naturalist.... 3 of 3 | |
Filiatreau | Filiatreau-20050808-001.jpg | Frances Fillatreau note | |
Filiatreau | Filiatreau-20050808-002.jpg | Francis R Fillatreau | |
Fink | Fink-20120505-001.jpg | Donald P Fink obituary 04-26-1983 | |
Finley | Finley-20050808-001.jpg | Finley notes | |
Fish | Fish-20050808-002.jpg | Fish - C A Huntsberger Obituary | |
Fish | Fish-20050808-003.jpg | Leman Fish Obituary | |
Fish | Fish-20050808-004.jpg | Fish - Frank J Schommer Obituary | |
Fish | Fish-20050808-005.jpg | Fish - Gretta Hazzard Thompson Obituary | |
Fish | Fish-20050808-006.jpg | Fish - Burton E McCune Obituary | |
Fish | Fish-20050808-007.jpg | Fish - Jane Dunbrack Lydiard death | |
Fish | Fish-20050808-008.jpg | Fish - Ella B Rosander Obituary | |
Fish | Fish-20050808-009.jpg | L L Fish Wanted ad | |
Fish | Fish-20050808-010.jpg | L L Fish want ad | |
Fish | Fish-20050808-011.jpg | - | |
Fish | Fish-20050808-012.jpg | L L Fish article | |
Fish | Fish-20050808-013.jpg | Grace Fish | |
Fish | Fish-20111005-014.jpg | Leman Fish obituary | |
Fish | Fish-20111010-015.jpg | June Mowry Fish request for research 10-30-1995 | |
Fish | Fish-20111010-016.jpg | June Mowry Fish request for research 12-08-1995 | |
Fish | Fish-20111010-017.jpg | - | |
Fish | Fish-20120917-018.jpg | Leman Fish obituary 1954 | |
Fish | Fish-20160502-001.JPG | Leman and Grace Lee Fish NOTE: located in Photo Gallery A01 | |
Fisher | Fisher-20050808-001.jpg | Fisher notes | |
Fisher | Fisher-20050808-002.jpg | Mrs Dan Fisher death | |
Fisher | Fisher-20050808-003.jpg | Fisher notes | |
Fisher | Fisher-20111108-004.jpg | "Francis Fisher note NOTE: original document located in box entitled Annual Meeting Minutes | |
Fisher | Fisher-20111108-005.jpg | "Henry Fisher note NOTE: original document located in box entitled Annual Meeting Minutes | |
Fisher | Fisher-20120314-006.jpg | Henry Fisher note | |
Fisher | Fisher-20120314-007.jpg | Frances Fisher note | |
Fitts | Fitts-20050808-001.jpg | Cyrus B Fitts plat info | |
Fitzer | Fitzer-20111005-001.jpg | "Anna Fitzer obituary. NOTE: original document located in box entitled Annual Meeting Minutes | |
Fitzer | Fitzer001.jpg | Wedding of Bill Fitzer and Frieda Fitzer. Jennie Eisinger Wasgatt is in the back. | |
Fitzpatrick | Fitzpatrick-20050808-001.jpg | Lou Fitzpatrick note | |
Fitzsimmons | Fitzsimmons-20120315-001.jpg | Donald J Fitzsimmons obituary | |
Flanger | Flanger-20050808-001.jpg | Isaac Flanger plat info | |
Flannery | Flannery-20110117-002.jpg | Meghan Flannery notes 1 of 4 | |
Flannery | Flannery-20110117-003.jpg | Meghan Flannery notes 2 of 4 | |
Flannery | Flannery-20110117-004.jpg | Margaret Flannery notes 3 of 4 | |
Flannery | Flannery-20110117-005.jpg | Margaret Flannery notes 4 of 4 | |
Flannery | Flannery-20110625-001.jpg | "Flannery - Back L-R: Theresa Egel Flannery; Leone Michael Flannery. Front L-R: Herb; LaBelle; Keneth. @1913 Living on farm. McGinty Road | |
Flannery | Flannery-20120216-006.jpg | "Meg Flannery ""Helping history come to life"" 02-262011" | |
Flatten | Flatten-20131019-001.jpg | Joann Flatten Obituary | |
Flatten | Flatten-20131019-002.jpg | Joann Flatten Obituary | |
Flatten | Flatten-20131019-003.jpg | Joann FlattenObituary | |
Fleming | Fleming-20050810-001.jpg | Ann Fleming notes 1 of 3 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20050810-002.jpg | Ann Fleming notes 2 of 3 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20050810-003.jpg | Ann Fleming notes 3 of 3 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20050810-004.jpg | Fleming family notes | |
Fleming | Fleming-20050810-005.jpg | William Fleming notes 1 of 2 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20050810-006.jpg | William Fleming notes 2 of 2 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20050810-007.jpg | John L Fleming notes | |
Fleming | Fleming-20050810-008.jpg | Fleming note | |
Fleming | Fleming-20050810-009.jpg | "Fleming - A Human Life | |
Fleming | Fleming-20050810-010.jpg | Fleming notes | |
Fleming | Fleming-20050810-011.jpg | Fleming letter | |
Fleming | Fleming-20050810-012.jpg | Fleming - letter from Chris Jensen? | |
Fleming | Fleming-20050810-013.jpg | Annie Fleming descendants | |
Fleming | Fleming-20050811-014.jpg | John Fleming see F050810-002 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20050811-015.jpg | William C Fleming 4 of 4 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20050811-016.jpg | Fleming - Dorus A Keyes and Emily Ann (Fleming) Keyes see F050810-004 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20050811-017.jpg | William C Fleming 3 of 4 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20050811-018.jpg | Chloe Ann Noris Fleming see F050810-006 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20050811-019.jpg | William C Fleming 2 of 4 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20050811-020.jpg | William C Fleming see F05081-008 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20050811-021.jpg | William C Fleming 1 of 4 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20050811-022.jpg | Fleming - Andrew Dunbrack see F050810-010 1 of 5 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20050811-023.jpg | Fleming - Andrew....5 of 5 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20050811-024.jpg | Fleming - Janet Dunbrack Lydiard see F050810-012 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20050811-025.jpg | Fleming - Andrew....4 of 5 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20050811-026.jpg | Chloe Ann (Fleming) Dunbrack Dillman see F050810-014 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20050811-027.jpg | Fleming Andrew....3 of 5 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20050811-028.jpg | Fleming - Hannah Lydiard see F050810-016 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20050811-029.jpg | Fleming - Andrew....2 of 5 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20050811-030.jpg | Rachel Turnham Fleming | |
Fleming | Fleming-20050811-031.jpg | Rachel Fleming Daguerrotype | |
Fleming | Fleming-20050811-032.jpg | "John Fleming Jr. | |
Fleming | Fleming-20050811-033.jpg | Fleming letter | |
Fleming | Fleming-20050811-034.jpg | Fleming letter 1 of 23 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20050811-035.jpg | Fleming letter 2 of 23 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20050811-036.jpg | Fleming letter 3 of 23 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20050811-037.jpg | Fleming letter 4 of 23 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20050811-038.jpg | Fleming letter 5 of 23 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20050811-039.jpg | Fleming letter 6 of 23 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20050811-040.jpg | Fleming letter 7 of 23 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20050811-041.jpg | Fleming letter 8 of 23 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20050811-042.jpg | Fleming letter 9 of 23 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20050811-043.jpg | Fleming letter 10 of 23 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20050811-044.jpg | Fleming letter 11 of 23 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20050811-045.jpg | Fleming letter 12 of 23 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20050811-046.jpg | Fleming letter 13 of 23 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20050811-047.jpg | Fleming letter 14 of 23 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20050811-048.jpg | Fleming letter 15 of 23 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20050811-049.jpg | Fleming letter 16 of 23 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20050811-050.jpg | Fleming letter 17 of 23 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20050811-051.jpg | Fleming letter 18 of 23 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20050811-052.jpg | Fleming letter 19 of 23 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20050811-053.jpg | Fleming letter 20 of 23 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20050811-054.jpg | Fleming letter 21 of 23 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20050811-055.jpg | Fleming letter 22 of 23 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20050811-056.jpg | Fleming letter 23 of 23 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20050811-057.jpg | Fleming notes | |
Fleming | Fleming-20050811-058.jpg | Fleming - The Minnetonka Record | |
Fleming | Fleming-20050811-059.jpg | Rachel A Fleming obituary | |
Fleming | Fleming-20050811-060.jpg | "Chloe Ann Fleming Dunbrack | |
Fleming | Fleming-20050811-061.jpg | "2760 Fox Street | |
Fleming | Fleming-20050811-062.jpg | Unidentified | |
Fleming | Fleming-20050811-063.jpg | Unidentified | |
Fleming | Fleming-20050811-064.jpg | Unidentified | |
Fleming | Fleming-20050811-065.jpg | "Fleming - Winslow Estate | |
Fleming | Fleming-20050811-066.jpg | "Fleming - Winslow Estate barn | |
Fleming | Fleming-20101215-067.jpg | Fleming note | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110725-069.jpg | Fleming family tree 2 of 2 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110725-071.jpg | Fleming Legal Documents 1 of 30 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110725-073.jpg | Fleming Legal Documetns 2 of 30 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110725-075.jpg | Fleming Legal Documents 3 of 30 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110725-077.jpg | Fleming Legal Documents 4 of 30 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110725-079.jpg | Fleming legal Documetns 5 of 30 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110725-081.jpg | Fleming Legal Documents 6 of 30 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110725-083.jpg | Fleming Legal Documents 7 of 30 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110725-085.jpg | Fleming Legal Documents 8 of 30 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110725-087.jpg | Fleming Legal Documents 9 of 30 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110725-089.jpg | Fleming Legal Documents 10 of 30 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110725-091.jpg | Fleming Legal Documents 11 of 30 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110725-093.jpg | Fleming Legal Document 12 of 30 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110725-095.jpg | Fleming Legal Documents 13 of 30 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110725-097.jpg | Fleming Legal Documents 14 of 30 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110725-099.jpg | Fleming Legal Documents 15 of 30 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110725-101.jpg | Fleming Legal Documetns 16 of 30 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110725-103.jpg | Fleming Legal Documents 17 of 30 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110725-105.jpg | Fleming Legal Documents 18 of 30 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110725-107.jpg | Fleming Legal Documents 19 of 30 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110725-109.jpg | Fleming Legal Documents 20 of 30 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110725-111.jpg | Fleming Legal Documents 21 of 30 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110725-113.jpg | Fleming Legal Documetns 22 of 30 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110725-115.jpg | Fleming Legal Documents 23 of 30 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110725-117.jpg | Fleming Legal Documents 24 of 30 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110725-118.jpg | Fleming Legal Documents 25 of 30 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110725-120.jpg | Fleming Legal Documents 26 of 30 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110725-122.jpg | Fleming Legal Documents 27 of 30 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110725-124.jpg | Fleming Legal Documents 28 of 30 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110725-126.jpg | Fleming Legal Documents 29 of 30 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110725-127.jpg | Fleming Legal Documents 30 of 30 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110725-129.jpg | Fleming family tree 1 of 2 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110725-169.jpg | William C Fleming letter 2 of 2 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110725-170.jpg | William C Fleming physician 2 of 2 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110725-171.jpg | William C Flemming letter 1 of 2 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110725-172.jpg | William C Fleming physician 1 of 2 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110725-173.jpg | William Fleming - Copy of Furlough 1 of 2 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110725-174.jpg | William Fleming - Copy of Furlough 2 of 2 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110726-068.jpg | Fleming documents 1 of 25 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110726-070.jpg | Fleming documents 2 of 25 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110726-072.jpg | Fleming documents 3 of 25 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110726-074.jpg | Fleming documents 4 of 25 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110726-076.jpg | Flemings documents 4 of 25 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110726-078.jpg | Fleming documents 5 of 25 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110726-080.jpg | Fleming documents 6 of 25 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110726-082.jpg | Fleming documents 7 of 25 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110726-084.jpg | Fleming documents 8 of 25 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110726-086.jpg | Fleming documents 9 of 25 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110726-088.jpg | Fleming documetns 10 of 25 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110726-090.jpg | Fleming documents 11 of 25 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110726-092.jpg | Fleming documents 12 of 25 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110726-094.jpg | Fleming documents 13 of 25 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110726-096.jpg | Fleming documents 14 of 25 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110726-098.jpg | Fleming documents 16 of 25 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110726-100.jpg | Fleming documents 17 of 25 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110726-102.jpg | Fleming documents 18 of 25 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110726-104.jpg | Fleming documents 19 of 25 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110726-106.jpg | Fleming documents 20 of 25 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110726-108.jpg | Fleming documetns 21 of 25 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110726-110.jpg | Fleming documents 22 of 25 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110726-112.jpg | Fleming documents 23 of 25 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110726-114.jpg | Fleming documents 24 of 25 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110726-116.jpg | Fleming documents 25 of 25 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110726-119.jpg | Fleming - Harry and Maude Jones family tree 1 of 3 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110726-121.jpg | Fleming - Harry and Maude Jones family tree 2 of 3 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110726-123.jpg | Fleming - Harry and Maude Jones family tree 3 of 3 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110726-125.jpg | Charles Howard Fleming death certificate notes | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110726-128.jpg | William Fleming notes | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110726-130.jpg | Harriet E Fleming Pegg; daughter of William Fleming 1858-? | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110726-131.jpg | Fleming - Edwin Dillman 188-after 1917; son of George C and Christie Dillman | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110726-132.jpg | Fleming - Eugene L Keyes 1860-?; son of Dorus A and Emily Fleming keyes | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110726-133.jpg | "Flemming - Stephen J Wooster | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110726-135.jpg | Fleming - Jacob Dillman b. 05-09-1848 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110726-136.jpg | Fleming - Stephen Wooster and George Nettle; Stephen 1850-? son of Abel Wooster and Harriet Fleming | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110726-137.jpg | "Fleming - James B Brown 1809-1890; father of Mary Ellen Brown who married James Dillman in 1870 and is buried in Union Cemetery in Long Lake | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110726-138.jpg | "Fleming - Dorus A Keyes 1831-1903 and his wife | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110726-139.jpg | "Fleming - Nettie Hawkins and Jacob Dillman 1848-1932 at Jim Dillman's wedding 1868. Jacob's brother | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110726-140.jpg | Fleming - John Coleman friend of father's [Father presumably refers to Jacob Dillman] | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110726-141.jpg | "Fleming - David Archibald | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110726-142.jpg | Fleming - unidentified | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110726-143.jpg | "Fleming - Johny McCormack a friend at Long Lake | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110726-144.jpg | "Fleming - George Knettle | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110726-145.jpg | "Fleming - Truax; is this Elvira Truax who taught with Chloe Ann (Fleming) (Dunbrack) Dillman? See letter in Minnetonka Record | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110726-146.jpg | Fleming unidentified | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110726-147.jpg | Fleming - Mr and Mrs Armstrong | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110726-148.jpg | Fleming - E F Heady | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110726-149.jpg | Fleming unidentified | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110726-150.jpg | Fleming - R E Heddy [or B E Heady] | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110726-151.jpg | Fleming - Frank Lambert Walsh 1840-1941; son of Edward F and Mary Ann (Dillman) Walsh | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110726-152.jpg | Fleming - George Christopher Dillman 1851-1917; brother of Jacob Dillman | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110726-153.jpg | Fleming - Eda M Walsh 1860-1940 and Ida May Walsh 1860-1942; daughters (twin?) of Edward F and Mary Ann (Dillman) Walsh | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110726-155.jpg | "Fleming - Catherine (Dunbrack) DIllman 1812-1896; these dates are taken from Catherine's gravestone in the lake Marshall Cemetery in Marshall | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110726-156.jpg | "Fleming - Christopher George Dillman 1806-1883; these dates are taken from Chrisopher' gravestone in the Lake Marshall Cemetery in Marshall | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110726-157.jpg | Fleming - unidentified; young man with slight goatee and long tie. Could this be a young Jacob Dillman? | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110726-158.jpg | Fleming - Chloe Ann (Fleming) (Dunbrack) Dillman 1844-1913 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110726-159.jpg | "John Fleming | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110726-160.jpg | "Fleming - Reward of Merit Presented to Maud Dunbrack | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110726-161.jpg | Fleming unidentified | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110726-162.jpg | "Fleming - Janet (Dunbrack) Lydiard 1839-1918; buried in Union Cemetery in Long Lake | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110726-163.jpg | "William C Fleming 1831-1864; Union soldier during Civil War | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110726-164.jpg | Lucretia C (Beach) Fleming ca. 1832-1926; William C Fleming and Lucretia C Beach were married in 1853 in Michigan | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110726-165.jpg | Lilla Marion (Fleming) Cole 1860-after 1926; daughter of William Fleming | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110726-166.jpg | Fleming unidentified | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110726-167.jpg | William Fleming notes | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110726-168.jpg | Fleming - Isabelle (Dunbrack) Murchy 1837-?; daughter of Alexander and Isabelle Dunbrack | |
Fleming | Fleming-20110801-134.jpg | Fleming - Unidentified handwritten in light pencil on the back is Yurnly Hannum Circassiay girl Age 16 | |
Fleming | Fleming-20111106-175.jpg | "Rachel Fleming note NOTE: original document located in box entitled Annual Meeting Minutes | |
Fleming | Fleming-20120314-176.jpg | Rachel Fleming note | |
Fleming | Fleming-20150930-154.jpg | "James (Jim) Dillman 1835-1913; brother of Jacob Dillman | |
Fleming | Fleming-20160516-177.JPG | "Fleming - 1) Willow grove started with willow orse whips brought from Michigan by flemings. On North Willow Drive in Medina. 2) Fleming's store at old Cumberland (about 1860). Later Campbell's barn on Blanche Neddermeyer place - 2125 Watertown Road. Torn down in 1958 - 100 years old. 3) John (ca: 1802-1884) Fleming | |
Fletcher | Fletcher-20050810-001.jpg | L Fletcher advertisement | |
Fletcher | Fletcher-20050810-002.jpg | Loren Fletcher Obituary | |
Fletcher | Fletcher-20050810-003.jpg | Fletcher newspaper article | |
Fletcher | Fletcher-20050810-004.jpg | "Loren Fletcher | |
Fletcher | Fletcher-20050810-005.jpg | Loren Fletcher note | |
Fletcher | Fletcher-20050810-006.jpg | Loren Fletcher note 2 of 2 | |
Fletcher | Fletcher-20050810-007.jpg | Loren Fletcher note 1 of 2 | |
Fletcher | Fletcher-20050810-008.jpg | Fletcher notes | |
Fletcher | Fletcher-20050810-009.jpg | Fletcher notes | |
Fletcher | Fletcher-20050810-010.jpg | Fletcher notes | |
Florida | Florida-20050811-001.jpg | Geo Florida note | |
Flynn | Flynn-20111206-001.jpg | "Jennifer J Flynn memoriam 06-07-1950 - 09-22-1985 NOTE: original document located in box entitled Annual Meeting Minutes | |
Fobbe | Fobbe-20110407-001.jpg | "Gene Fobbee | |
Fogelsonger | Fogelsonger-20050815-001.jpg | Samuel Foglesonger plat info | |
Fogelsonger | Fogelsonger-20050815-002.jpg | Fogelsonger notes | |
Fogelsonger | Fogelsonger-20050815-003.jpg | Foglesonger notes | |
Fogelsonger | Fogelsonger-20050815-004.jpg | Fogelsonger notes | |
Fogelsonger | Fogelsonger-20050815-005.jpg | Sam and Mary Fogelsonger from negative | |
Fogelsonger | Fogelsonger-20050815-006.jpg | Fogelsonger diary 7 of 35 | |
Fogelsonger | Fogelsonger-20050815-007.jpg | Fogelsonger diary 8 of 35 | |
Fogelsonger | Fogelsonger-20050815-008.jpg | Fogelsonger diary 6 of 35 | |
Fogelsonger | Fogelsonger-20050815-009.jpg | Fogelsonger diary 9 of 35 | |
Fogelsonger | Fogelsonger-20050815-010.jpg | Fogelsonger diary 5 of 35 | |
Fogelsonger | Fogelsonger-20050815-011.jpg | Fogelsonger diary 10 of 35 | |
Fogelsonger | Fogelsonger-20050815-012.jpg | Fogelsonger diary 4 of 35 | |
Fogelsonger | Fogelsonger-20050815-013.jpg | Fogelsonger diary 11 of 35 | |
Fogelsonger | Fogelsonger-20050815-014.jpg | Fogelsonger diary 3 of 35 | |
Fogelsonger | Fogelsonger-20050815-015.jpg | Fogelsonger diary 12 of 35 | |
Fogelsonger | Fogelsonger-20050815-016.jpg | Fogelsonger diary 2 of 35 | |
Fogelsonger | Fogelsonger-20050815-017.jpg | Fogelsonger diary 13 of 35 | |
Fogelsonger | Fogelsonger-20050815-018.jpg | Fogelsonger diary 1 of 35 | |
Fogelsonger | Fogelsonger-20050815-019.jpg | Fogelsonger diary 14 of 35 | |
Fogelsonger | Fogelsonger-20050815-020.jpg | Fogelsonger diary 15 of 35 | |
Fogelsonger | Fogelsonger-20050815-021.jpg | Fogelsonger diary 26 of 35 | |
Fogelsonger | Fogelsonger-20050815-022.jpg | Fogelsonger diary 16 of 35 | |
Fogelsonger | Fogelsonger-20050815-023.jpg | Fogelsonger diary 27 of 35 | |
Fogelsonger | Fogelsonger-20050815-024.jpg | Fogelsonger diary 17 of 35 | |
Fogelsonger | Fogelsonger-20050815-025.jpg | Fogelsonger diary 28 of 35 | |
Fogelsonger | Fogelsonger-20050815-026.jpg | Fogelsonger diary 18 of 35 | |
Fogelsonger | Fogelsonger-20050815-027.jpg | Fogelsonger diary 29 of 35 | |
Fogelsonger | Fogelsonger-20050815-028.jpg | Fogelsonger diary 19 of 35 | |
Fogelsonger | Fogelsonger-20050815-029.jpg | Fogelsonger diary 30 of 35 | |
Fogelsonger | Fogelsonger-20050815-030.jpg | Fogelsonger diary 20 of 35 | |
Fogelsonger | Fogelsonger-20050815-031.jpg | Fogelsonger diary 31 of 35 | |
Fogelsonger | Fogelsonger-20050815-032.jpg | Fogelsonger diary 21 of 35 | |
Fogelsonger | Fogelsonger-20050815-033.jpg | Fogelsonger diary 32 of 35 | |
Fogelsonger | Fogelsonger-20050815-034.jpg | Fogelsonger diary 22 of 35 | |
Fogelsonger | Fogelsonger-20050815-035.jpg | Fogelsonger diary 33 of 35 | |
Fogelsonger | Fogelsonger-20050815-036.jpg | Fogelsonger diary 23 of 35 | |
Fogelsonger | Fogelsonger-20050815-037.jpg | Fogelsonger diary 34 of 35 | |
Fogelsonger | Fogelsonger-20050815-038.jpg | Fogelsonger diary 24 of 35 | |
Fogelsonger | Fogelsonger-20050815-039.jpg | Fogelsonger diary 35 of 35 | |
Fogelsonger | Fogelsonger-20050815-040.jpg | Fogelsonger diary 25 of 35 | |
Fogelsonger | Fogelsonger-20050815-041.jpg | Laura Fogelsonger | |
Fogelsonger | Fogelsonger-20160516-042.JPG | "Samuel and Mary Ann ""Sarah"" [Lewcock] Fogelsonger. Farmed on north shore of Long Lake; Located in Photo Gallery K04" | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20050811-029.jpg | Fogleman notes | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20050811-030.jpg | Fogelman notes | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20050811-031.jpg | Fogleman - Enscripted Sam | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20050811-032.jpg | "Fogleman - Enscripted My Dad | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20050811-033.jpg | John Fogleman house on Addie Fogelman's farm 9-28-1941 | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20050811-034.jpg | "Will Fogleman | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20050811-035.jpg | Grampa Fogleman | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20050811-036.jpg | Unidentified | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20050811-037.jpg | Grampa Fogleman | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20050811-038.jpg | Grampa Fogleman with Clinton W Phillips 9-28-1941 | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20050811-040.jpg | Unidentified | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20050811-041.jpg | Unidentified | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20050811-042.jpg | Fogleman - Addie farm | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20050811-043.jpg | Loren Fogelman | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20050811-044.jpg | "John Fogleman's cabin | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20050811-047.jpg | Unidentified | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20050811-048.jpg | "George? Addie Fogleman | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20050811-049.jpg | John Fogelman | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20050811-050.jpg | Fogelman - 58th Coast Artillary Corp postcard from Loren Fogleman | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20050811-051.jpg | Unidentified | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20050811-053.jpg | Addie Fogleman | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20060412-002.jpg | "Fogleman - Long Lake Union Cemetary | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20060614-003.jpg | Addie Fogleman at a party on 7-17-1977 | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20060614-004.jpg | Addie Fogleman | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20060614-006.jpg | Fogleman notes | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20060614-007.jpg | Ada Bell Fogleman (Addie) memoir | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20060614-008.jpg | Lillian May Fogleman certificate of birth | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20060614-009.jpg | Ada Bell Fogleman certificate of birth | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20060614-010.jpg | Julia May Fogleman certificate of death | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20060614-011.jpg | Lillie May Fogleman certificate of death | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20060614-012.jpg | Lu Vuerne Olive Fogleman certificate of marriage | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20060614-013.jpg | Lu Verne O Fogleman certificate of birth | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20060614-014.jpg | Fogleman newspaper article | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20060614-015.jpg | - | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20060614-016.jpg | LuVerne Olive Fogleman certificate of birth | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20060614-017.jpg | Adda Bell Fogleman (Addie) certificate of death | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20060614-018.jpg | Henry Fogleman plat info | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20060614-019.jpg | William Fogleman Obituary | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20060614-020.jpg | Addie Fogleman interview | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20060614-021.jpg | Addie Fogelman notes | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20060614-022.jpg | Fogleman family notes | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20060614-023.jpg | Fogelman newspaper article | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20060614-024.jpg | Julia May and Lillian May Fogleman certificate of births | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20060614-025.jpg | Loren H and Lillian Fogleman birth of child | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20060614-026.jpg | Katherine and William Fogleman note | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20060614-027.jpg | Fogleman note | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20060614-028.jpg | Fogleman - Mr and Mrs Umlaud | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20060614-039.jpg | Unidentified | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20060614-045.jpg | John Foglemans Cabin | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20060614-046.jpg | Unidentified | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20060614-052.jpg | Grampa and Grandma Fogleman | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20100612-056.jpg | Lillian Fogelman Certificate of Birth 05-23-1890 1 of 2 | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20100612-058.jpg | Lillian Fogelman Certificate of Birth....2 of 2 | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20100612-060.jpg | Julia May Fogleman Certificate of Birth 04-02-1889 1 of 2 | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20100612-062.jpg | Julie May Fogleman Certificate of Birth....2 of 2 | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20100612-064.jpg | Katherine Fogleman and William Fogleman notes | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20100612-066.jpg | Fogleman - Lewis Cemetery Asssociation note | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20100612-068.jpg | Loren H and Lillian Fogleman Division of Public Health notice | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20100612-070.jpg | Fogleman family notes | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20100612-072.jpg | Lu Verne Olive Fogleman Certificate of Marriage 06-05-1955 | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20100612-074.jpg | Kate Fogleman Certificate of Death Record 11-04-1891 | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20100612-076.jpg | Julia May Fogleman Certificate of Death Record 09-15-1889 | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20100612-078.jpg | Lillian May Fogleman Certificate of Birth Record 05-23-1890 | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20100612-080.jpg | Ada Bell Fogleman Certificate of Birth Record 07-13-1896 | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20100612-082.jpg | Fogleman - Notary | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20100612-084.jpg | William S and Katherine A Fogleman notes | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20100612-086.jpg | Fogleman notes | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20100612-089.jpg | Lillian E Fogleman obituary | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20100612-092.jpg | Ada (Addie) Bell Fogleman memoriam 07-13-1896 - 11-14-1987 | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20100612-094.jpg | Fogleman - unidentified2 | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20100612-096.jpg | Addie Fogleman note | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20100612-098.jpg | Fogelman - unidentified2 | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20100612-100.jpg | William Fogleman note | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20100612-102.jpg | "Fogleman - unable to read | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20100612-104.jpg | Addie Fogelman address | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20100612-106.jpg | Addie Fogleman birthday card 1 of 2 | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20100612-108.jpg | Addie Fogleman birthday card 2 of 2 | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20100612-110.jpg | Addie Fogleman address | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20100612-112.jpg | Fogleman get well card 1 of 2 | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20100612-114.jpg | Fogleman get well card 2 of 2 | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20100612-116.jpg | Lu Vern Oliver Fogleman Certicate of Birth 04-07-1924 | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20100612-118.jpg | Fogleman House full of history burns to the ground | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20100612-120.jpg | Fogleman Independence landmark burns | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20100612-122.jpg | Fogleman - LuVerne Olive Umlauf Certificate of Death 11-06-1983 | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20100612-124.jpg | Ada (Addie) Bell Fogleman Certicate of Death 11-14-1987 | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20100612-126.jpg | Henry Fogelman notes | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20100612-128.jpg | Addie Fogleman interview 05-06-1983 | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20100612-130.jpg | William Fogleman notes | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20111209-134.jpg | "Addie B Fogleman obituary NOTE original document located in box entitled Annual Meeting Minutes | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20120314-136.jpg | John Fogelman note | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20120727-054.jpg | Fogleman unidentified1 | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20120727-055.jpg | Fogelman unidentified | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20120727-057.jpg | "Fogleman - Aunt Julia Shea; Little Vincie and his dad | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20120727-059.jpg | "Fogleman - postcard to Lillie Roed | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20120727-061.jpg | "Fogleman - postcard to Lillie Roed | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20120727-063.jpg | Fogleman - Wilma Homes | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20120727-065.jpg | Fogleman - mother and me | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20120727-067.jpg | Fogleman- Mother and Uncle Albert | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20120727-069.jpg | Fogleman - Dad and Mrs Johnson | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20120727-071.jpg | Fogleman - unidentified | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20120727-073.jpg | Addie Fogleman | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20120727-075.jpg | Fogleman - Lillian Rode 07-26-1917 | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20120727-077.jpg | "Fogleman - mother | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20120727-079.jpg | Lillian Fogleman | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20120727-081.jpg | Fogleman - Mrs Johnson and her four kids and two ofthe Knopik kids | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20120727-083.jpg | "LuVerne Fogleman and grandma and grandpa Fogleman | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20120727-085.jpg | "Fogelman ""mother"" August 1919" | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20120727-087.jpg | "Fogleman - ""Me""" | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20120727-088.jpg | "Fogleman - Uncle Albert | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20120727-090.jpg | Fogleman unidentified1 | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20120727-091.jpg | "Fogleman - ""Me""and Rose Melick; Rose's Birthday 1954" | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20120727-093.jpg | "Fogleman ""Me""" | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20120727-095.jpg | "Fogleman - Mother and Aunt Addie sheep | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20120727-097.jpg | "Fogleman - ""Me | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20120727-099.jpg | Fogleman - Marie Single | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20120727-101.jpg | "Fogleman - ""Mother and me""" | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20120727-103.jpg | Fogleman - mother | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20120727-105.jpg | "Fogleman - ""Dads friends""" | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20120727-107.jpg | Fogleman - Aunt Lena Rode | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20120727-109.jpg | Fogleman - unidentified1 | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20120727-111.jpg | "Fogleman - ""me""" | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20120727-113.jpg | Fogleman - unidentified1 | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20120727-115.jpg | "Fogleman - Aunt Addie's sheep | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20120727-117.jpg | "Fogleman - ""my mother | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20120727-119.jpg | Sam Fogleman | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20120727-121.jpg | "Fogleman - ""Dad and me | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20120727-123.jpg | "Fogleman - ""Mother | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20120727-125.jpg | Fogleman - Lillie 09-14-1918 | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20120727-127.jpg | "Fogleman - ""Flerenle and me""" | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20120727-129.jpg | "Fogleman ""Me""" | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20120727-131.jpg | "Fogleman ""Mother""" | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20120727-132.jpg | "John Fogleman note NOTE: original document located in box entitled Annual Meeting Minutes | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20120727-133.jpg | "Fogleman ""Mother"" | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20120727-135.jpg | Fogleman - The Schulz family | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20120727-137.jpg | Fogleman - Dad and Uncle Albert | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20120727-138.jpg | "Fogleman - ""Dad""" | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20120727-139.jpg | "Fogleman - ""Grandma | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20120727-140.jpg | "Fogleman - Grant | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20120727-141.jpg | "Fogleman- ""Dad""" | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20120727-142.jpg | "Fogleman ""Dad""" | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20120727-143.jpg | "Fogleman - ""Dad""" | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20120727-144.jpg | "Fogleman ""Dad and Uncle Albert""" | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20120727-145.jpg | "Fogleman ""Me and Harriet Gallup""" | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20120727-146.jpg | "Fogleman ""Dad and Me and Harriet Gllaup"" with sheep" | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20120727-147.jpg | Fogleman - The Schulz family | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20120727-148.jpg | Fogleman - Aunt Rose and Uncle William | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20120727-149.jpg | Fogleman - Frieda and me | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20120727-150.jpg | "Fogleman ""Grandma"" 67 years old | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20120727-151.jpg | Fogleman - unidentified1 | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20120727-152.jpg | Fogleman - Frieda ? | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20120727-153.jpg | Fogelman - unidentified1 | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20130410-005.jpg | William Fogelman and Kate Mc Sweeney? married | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20150523-001.jpg | "Fogleman - Memorial Day parade at Long Lake Union Cemetery; Front row L to R Kermit Eisinger | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20160502-154.JPG | William Fogleman 1859-1945 and wife Kate Located in Photo Gallery J04A | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20160502-155.JPG | Loren and Lillian Fogleman Located in Photo Gallery J04B | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20160502-156.JPG | Fogleman house and barn at Independence Located in Photo Gallery J04C | |
Fogleman | Fogleman-20160502-157.JPG | Ada (Addie) Fogleman 1896-1987 and Luverne [Fogelman] Umlauf 1924-1983 Located in Photo Gallery J04D | |
Folsom | Folsom-20050815-001.jpg | Stanley Folsom Obituary | |
Folsom | Folsom-20050815-002.jpg | Folsom notes | |
Folsom | Folsom-20050815-003.jpg | Folsom notes | |
Fonier | Fonier-20050815-001.jpg | William Fonier plat info | |
Fontaine | Fontaine-20050815-001.jpg | Joseph Fontaine plat info | |
Forcier | Forcier-20050815-001.jpg | Dorathy Frediaricka Forcier memoir | |
Ford | Ford-20050815-003.jpg | S A Ford Flames Devour Home | |
Ford | Ford-20050815-004.jpg | Ford note | |
Ford | Ford-20050815-005.jpg | Mrs Ford | |
Ford | Ford-20100922-010.jpg | "Alice M Ford memoriam and obituary November 17 | |
Ford | Ford-20100922-011.jpg | Alice Ford Rites Held.... | |
Ford | Ford-20101215-009.jpg | Ford family note | |
Ford | Ford-20110509-012.jpg | Ford - Alice Griswold | |
Ford | Ford-20110509-013.jpg | Frank Ford and Isabelle ? | |
Ford | Ford-20110509-014.jpg | Mrs Alice Ford - Bederwood School 1917 | |
Ford | Ford-20110509-015.jpg | Frank Ford ....visitors.... June 1926 | |
Ford | Ford-20110509-016.jpg | Alice Ford | |
Ford | Ford-20110509-017.jpg | Ford - Miss Alice M Griswold Pinaoforte Recital Program NOTE: Original located in Ford Family Folder | |
Ford | Ford-20110509-018.jpg | Miss Ford place card | |
Ford | Ford-20110509-019.jpg | Ford - unidentified | |
Ford | Ford-20110509-020.jpg | Ford - unidentified | |
Ford | Ford-20110509-021.jpg | Old road back of Frank Ford home | |
Ford | Ford-20110509-022.jpg | "Ford - Florence playing farmer | |
Ford | Ford-20110509-023.jpg | Ford | |
Ford | Ford-20110509-024.jpg | Miss Alice M Griswold Pianoforte Recital 1 of 2 06-13-1905 NOTE: original located in Ford Family Folder | |
Ford | Ford-20110509-025.jpg | Alice M Griswold Piano....2 of 2 | |
Ford | Ford-20110509-026.jpg | Alice Griswold Ford presents Gertrude Butterfield and Dorothy Anderson in Pianoforte Recital 10-29-1915 1 of 2 | |
Ford | Ford-20110509-027.jpg | Alice Griswold Ford presents....2 of 2 | |
Ford | Ford-20110509-028.jpg | Alice M Griswold Piano Recital 05-08-1904 | |
Ford | Ford-20110509-029.jpg | - | |
Ford | Ford-20110509-030.jpg | Alice M Griswold Piano recital 05-05-1904 1 of 2 | |
Ford | Ford-20110509-031.jpg | Alice M Griswold piano recital 05-08-1904 2 of 2 | |
Ford | Ford-20110509-032.jpg | Alice M Griswold Pianoforte Recital 06-13-1912 1 of 2 | |
Ford | Ford-20110509-033.jpg | Alice M Griswold Pianoforte Recital 06-13-1912 2 of 2 | |
Ford | Ford-20110509-034.jpg | Alice M Griswold Panioforte Recital 06-22-1911 1 of 2 | |
Ford | Ford-20110509-035.jpg | Alice M Griswold Pianoforte Recital 06-22-1911 2 of 2 | |
Ford | Ford-20110509-036.jpg | Alice M Griswold Pianoforte Recital 06-05-1913 1 of 2 | |
Ford | Ford-20110509-037.jpg | Alice M Griswold Pianoforte Recital 06-05-1913 2 of 2 | |
Ford | Ford-20110509-038.jpg | Alice Griswold Ford Pianoforte Recital 10-29-1915 1 of 2 | |
Ford | Ford-20110509-039.jpg | Alice Griswold Ford Pianoforte Recital 10-29-1915 2 of 2 | |
Ford | Ford-20110509-040.jpg | Alice M Griswold and Carol V Strait Pupils Recital 06-02-1905 1 of 2 | |
Ford | Ford-20110509-041.jpg | Alice M Griswold and Carol V Strait Pupils Recital 06-02-1905 2 of 2 | |
Ford | Ford-20110509-042.jpg | Alice M Ford Pupils in Piano Recital 1947 | |
Ford | Ford-20110509-043.jpg | Alice M Ford Pupils in Piano Recital 1951 | |
Ford | Ford-20110509-044.jpg | Alice M Ford Pupils in Piano Recital 1950 | |
Ford | Ford-20110509-046.jpg | Alice Ford music class L-R: ? Dillman; Harriet Stafford; Eleanor Stubbs; Alice Anderson; Gladys Anderson; Neva Turnham; Evelyn Turnham; Edith Stafford; Marie Sherf | |
Ford | Ford-20110509-047.jpg | Alice Ford music class L-R: Back-Alice Anderson; Ruth Hallson; Betty Carlson; Martin Snoke; hidden is Eleanor Stubbs; Rena Hall; Betty Sandgren; Dorothy Snoke. Front: Gaylie talbert; Berna Thompson; Frances Galloway; Mary Snoke; Merle Stubbs; Cherry Stubbs | |
Ford | Ford-20110509-048.jpg | Alice Ford music class: rear-L:-R Mae Forde; ? Edith Stafford; Beth Mather; Alice Anderson; Lauretta Hall; Harriet Stafford. Front: ?; Johanna Anderson; ? | |
Ford | Ford-20110509-049.jpg | Alice Ford music class in front of Old Crystal Bay Church. Note the buggy shed in left rear. Back row L-R: Louise Rhine; Dorothy Snoke; Rena Hall; Betty Sandgren; ?; Louise Poisson; ?. Front: Frances Galloway; ?; Merle Stubbs; Marie Sherf behind her; Mary Snoke; Gaylie Talbert; Berna Thompson; Cherry Stubbs | |
Ford | Ford-20110509-050.jpg | Alice Ford music class. Seated-Johanna Anderson. L-R: Harriet Stafford back of Marie Sherf. Alice Ford with mans cap in front Dorothy Snoke; ?; Boy ?; Esther Johnson; ?; Jeanette Sherf in left front of Eleanor Stubbs | |
Ford | Ford-20110509-051.jpg | Ford - Turnham Reunion; Wayzata Reporter 08-17-1916 | |
Ford | Ford-20110509-052.jpg | Alice Ford Griswold Entertainment at Crystal Bay Note: Original located in Ford Family Folder | |
Ford | Ford-20110509-053.jpg | Alice Griswold Ford Musical Program 10-21-1915 | |
Ford | Ford-20110509-054.jpg | Alice Ford Finger....2 of 2 | |
Ford | Ford-20110509-055.jpg | Alice Ford Finger Excerises Were Training for Beethoven 1 of 2 | |
Ford | Ford-20110509-056.jpg | Ford - Letter regarding Newsletter #67 10-28-1986 | |
Ford | Ford-20110509-057.jpg | Ford - Entertainment at Crystal Bay NOTE: original located in Ford Family Folder | |
Ford | Ford-20110509-058.jpg | Alice Ford | |
Ford | Ford-20110509-059.jpg | "Ford - Community House | |
Ford | Ford-20110509-060.jpg | Ford - Recital Concert given by Prof Eaton in Honor of Miss Alice Margaretta Griswold 1 of 2 | |
Ford | Ford-20110509-061.jpg | Ford - Recital Concert....2 of 2 | |
Ford | Ford-20110509-062.jpg | Ford - Recital Concernt given by Prof. Eaton in Honor of Miss Alice Margaretta Griswold invitation 1 of 2 | |
Ford | Ford-20110509-063.jpg | Alice M Ford memo book 1 of 2 | |
Ford | Ford-20110509-064.jpg | Alice M Ford memo book Music Pupils 1950 & 1951 2 of 2 NOTE: Memo book is located in Ford Family Folder | |
Ford | Ford-20110627-065.jpg | Mrs Frank Ford note | |
Ford | Ford-20110627-066.jpg | Isabelle Ford note 11-02-1916 | |
Ford | Ford-20110627-067.jpg | "Richard Ford | |
Ford | Ford-20110627-068.jpg | "Frank Ford | |
Ford | Ford-20110627-069.jpg | Ford unidentified | |
Ford | Ford-20110627-070.jpg | Ford unidentified | |
Ford | Ford-20110627-071.jpg | Ford unidentified | |
Ford | Ford-20110627-072.jpg | Ford unidentified | |
Ford | Ford-20110627-073.jpg | Ford unidentified | |
Ford | Ford-20110627-074.jpg | Ford unidentified | |
Ford | Ford-20110627-076.jpg | Ford unidentified | |
Ford | Ford-20110627-077.jpg | Richard Ford | |
Ford | Ford-20110627-078.jpg | Frank Ford and dog | |
Ford | Ford-20110627-079.jpg | "Richard F Ford | |
Ford | Ford-20110627-080.jpg | "Richard Frank Ford | |
Ford | Ford-20110627-081.jpg | Richard Frank Ford and his mother 01-07-1917 | |
Ford | Ford-20110627-082.jpg | Ford letter 1 of 2 | |
Ford | Ford-20110627-083.jpg | Ford letter 2 of 3 | |
Ford | Ford-20110627-084.jpg | Frank and Alice Ford home | |
Ford | Ford-20110627-085.jpg | Alice Ford obituary 1 of 2 | |
Ford | Ford-20110627-086.jpg | Alice Ford obituary 2 of 2 | |
Ford | Ford-20110627-087.jpg | Richard Frank Ford obituary | |
Ford | Ford-20110627-088.jpg | Richard F Ford address 1980 | |
Ford | Ford-20110627-089.jpg | "Richard Ford | |
Ford | Ford-20110627-090.jpg | Richard Ford note | |
Ford | Ford-20110627-091.jpg | Richard Ford | |
Ford | Ford-20110627-092.jpg | Alice Griswold Ford | |
Ford | Ford-20110627-093.jpg | Ford unidentified | |
Ford | Ford-20110704-094.jpg | "Alice Ford and Richard Ford | |
Ford | Ford-20110704-095.jpg | Anne Ford | |
Ford | Ford-20110704-096.jpg | Richard F Ford memoriam 1 of 3 | |
Ford | Ford-20110704-097.jpg | Richard F Ford memoriam 2 of 3 | |
Ford | Ford-20110704-098.jpg | Richard F Ford memoriam 3 of 3 | |
Ford | Ford-20110704-099.jpg | Frank Ford note | |
Ford | Ford-20110704-100.jpg | "Richard and Alice Ford | |
Ford | Ford-20110704-101.jpg | "Richard Frank Ford | |
Ford | Ford-20110704-102.jpg | "Alice Ford L-R: Richard | |
Ford | Ford-20110704-103.jpg | Frank H Ford notice of baby boy | |
Ford | Ford-20110704-104.jpg | Alice Ford | |
Ford | Ford-20110704-105.jpg | Alice Ford | |
Ford | Ford-20110704-106.jpg | Ford unidentified | |
Ford | Ford-20110704-107.jpg | Ford unidentified | |
Ford | Ford-20110704-108.jpg | Ford unidentified | |
Ford | Ford-20110704-109.jpg | Sarah Isabelle Ford obituary | |
Ford | Ford-20110704-110.jpg | Alice Ford ...gave a 'get-to-gether'.... note | |
Ford | Ford-20110704-111.jpg | Richard Ford note | |
Ford | Ford-20110704-112.jpg | Ford - Thiese home 02-10-1885 | |
Ford | Ford-20110704-113.jpg | Mr Brace; Isabelle Ford; Mrs Brace-Frank Ford | |
Ford | Ford-20110704-114.jpg | Richard Frank Ford graduation notice from The Douglas Army Air Field 1 of 3 | |
Ford | Ford-20110704-115.jpg | Richard Frank Ford....2 of 3 | |
Ford | Ford-20110704-116.jpg | Richard Frank Ford....3 of 3 | |
Ford | Ford-20110704-117.jpg | Frank Ford | |
Ford | Ford-20110704-118.jpg | Richard Ford obituary notice 04-06-1985 | |
Ford | Ford-20110704-119.jpg | Ford unidentified horse | |
Ford | Ford-20110704-120.jpg | - | |
Ford | Ford-20110704-121.jpg | Ford unidentified | |
Ford | Ford-20110704-122.jpg | Ford unidentified | |
Ford | Ford-20110704-124.jpg | Ford unidentifiied | |
Ford | Ford-20110704-125.jpg | Ford unidentified | |
Ford | Ford-20110704-126.jpg | Hannibal C Ford letter 01-29-1952 | |
Ford | Ford-20110704-127.jpg | - | |
Ford | Ford-20110704-128.jpg | Richard Ford travel log NOTE: remainder of document located in Ford Family Folder | |
Ford | Ford-20110704-129.jpg | "Ford - letter | |
Ford | Ford-20110704-130.jpg | Ford letter....2 of 4 | |
Ford | Ford-20110704-131.jpg | Ford letter....3 of 4 | |
Ford | Ford-20110704-132.jpg | Ford letter....4 of 4 | |
Ford | Ford-20110704-133.jpg | Ford note | |
Ford | Ford-20110704-134.jpg | Richard F Ford letter 04-17-1945 1 of 3 | |
Ford | Ford-20110704-135.jpg | Richard F Ford letter....2 of 3 | |
Ford | Ford-20110704-136.jpg | Richard F Ford letter....3 of 3 | |
Ford | Ford-20110704-137.jpg | Richard F Ford letter 05-25-1945 1 of 3 | |
Ford | Ford-20110704-138.jpg | Richard F Ford letter 05-25-1945 2 of 3 | |
Ford | Ford-20110704-139.jpg | Richard F Ford letter 05-25-1945 3 of 3 | |
Ford | Ford-20110704-140.jpg | Alice G Ford note | |
Ford | Ford-20110704-141.jpg | Ford Wife Catches Fish | |
Ford | Ford-20110704-142.jpg | Sarah Isabell Ford note | |
Ford | Ford-20110704-143.jpg | Frank Ford note | |
Ford | Ford-20110704-144.jpg | Ford See Rand family folder | |
Ford | Ford-20110704-145.jpg | "Ford - Sgt. A H Rand | |
Ford | Ford-20110704-146.jpg | "Ford Stubbs Bay The Minnetonka Herald | |
Ford | Ford-20110704-147.jpg | Ford Stubbs Bay.....2 of 2 | |
Ford | Ford-20110704-148.jpg | Frank Herbert Ford notes | |
Ford | Ford-20110719-149.jpg | Alice Ford | |
Ford | Ford-20110801-075.jpg | Ford unidentified | |
Ford | Ford-20110825-150.jpg | Ford family 1 of 2 | |
Ford | Ford-20110825-151.jpg | Ford Family 2 of 2 | |
Ford | Ford-20110915-152.jpg | "Alice Ford collection | |
Ford | Ford-20110915-153.jpg | Ford - Sam and Ellen Paulson | |
Ford | Ford-20110929-154.jpg | Ford - Unidentified2 | |
Ford | Ford-20111118-155.jpg | Alice M Ford Pupils in Piano Recital | |
Ford | Ford-20111205-156.jpg | "Richard F Ford memoriam 08-26-1914 - 04-06-1985 NOTE: original document located in box entitled Annual Meeting Minutes | |
Ford | Ford-20111205-157.jpg | "Richard F Ford obituary NOTE: original document located in box entitled Annual Meeting Minutes | |
Ford | Ford-20120314-158.jpg | Frank Herbert Ford note | |
Ford | Ford-20120429-159.jpg | "Richard Frank Ford | |
Ford | Ford-20120429-160.jpg | Richard Frank Ford | |
Ford | Ford-20120719-161.jpg | Alice Griswold Ford | |
Ford | Ford-20120719-162.jpg | "Alice Griswold Ford | |
Ford | Ford-20120719-163.jpg | "Ford - card | |
Ford | Ford-20120828-164.jpg | "Ford - Mrs Florence R Griswold-Dearing | |
Ford | Ford-20121013-045.jpg | "Alice Ford music class in front of Crystal Bay Church L-R: Louise Rhine; Lauretta Hall | |
Ford | Ford-20121119-123.jpg | Civil War Veteran | |
Ford | Ford-20160502-001.JPG | Alice Griswold Ford Piano Students L-R: Grace Kohnen; Alice Ford; Bess Nelison; Beatrice Allison; unknown; Gertrude Butterfield; Helen Green; Rod Kelley; Elgie May; ? Jorgen; Edith Patten Located in Photo Gallery A09 | |
Ford | Ford-20160502-002.JPG | "Ford House; Buildings: 1914 Stubbs Bay Road; Alice's horse; Frank Ford | |
Ford | Ford-20160516-165.JPG | "Alice [Griswold] Ford | |
Ford | Ford-20160604-006.jpg | "Janet M. Ford | |
Ford | Ford-20160604-007.jpg | "Janet M. Ford | |
Ford | Ford-20160604-008.jpg | Frank Herbert Ford Death Certificate | |
Ford | Frank Alice Ford001.jpg | Frank and Alice Griswold Ford | |
Album Alice Ford Griswold | Album Alice Ford Griswold-20120828-001.jpg | Ford - Mrs Lorenza Griswold-Slocumb | |
Album Alice Ford Griswold | Album Alice Ford Griswold-20120828-002.jpg | Ford - Mr Charles Slocomb | |
Album Alice Ford Griswold | Album Alice Ford Griswold-20120828-003.jpg | Ford - Great Grand Mother Griswold | |
Album Alice Ford Griswold | Album Alice Ford Griswold-20120828-004.jpg | Ford - Great Grand Father Griswold | |
Album Alice Ford Griswold | Album Alice Ford Griswold-20120828-005.jpg | Ford - Ralph Griswold | |
Album Alice Ford Griswold | Album Alice Ford Griswold-20120828-006.jpg | Ford - Mrs Ralph Griswold | |
Album Alice Ford Griswold | Album Alice Ford Griswold-20120828-007.jpg | "Ford - (Aunt) Mrs M Chapin | |
Album Alice Ford Griswold | Album Alice Ford Griswold-20120828-008.jpg | Ford - Mr Chapin | |
Album Alice Ford Griswold | Album Alice Ford Griswold-20120828-009.jpg | Ford - Aunt Martha Griswold | |
Album Alice Ford Griswold | Album Alice Ford Griswold-20120828-010.jpg | Ford - Uncle Gilbert G Griswold | |
Album Alice Ford Griswold | Album Alice Ford Griswold-20120828-011.jpg | Ford - unidentified2 | |
Album Alice Ford Griswold | Album Alice Ford Griswold-20120828-012.jpg | Ford - Charles W Dearing | |
Album Alice Ford Griswold | Album Alice Ford Griswold-20120828-013.jpg | Ford - Martha Griswold | |
Album Alice Ford Griswold | Album Alice Ford Griswold-20120828-014.jpg | Ford - Gilbert G Griswold | |
Album Alice Ford Griswold | Album Alice Ford Griswold-20120828-015.jpg | Ford - Son of Gilb ert Griswold | |
Album Alice Ford Griswold | Album Alice Ford Griswold-20120828-016.jpg | Ford - unidentified2 | |
Album Alice Ford Griswold | Album Alice Ford Griswold-20120828-017.jpg | Ford - Geane Ware | |
Album Alice Ford Griswold | Album Alice Ford Griswold-20120828-018.jpg | Ford - Mrs Gilbert Griswold | |
Album Alice Ford Griswold | Album Alice Ford Griswold-20120828-019.jpg | Ford - Gilbert Griswold | |
Album Alice Ford Griswold | Album Alice Ford Griswold-20120828-020.jpg | Ford - Dr Weher | |
Album Alice Ford Griswold | Album Alice Ford Griswold-20120828-021.jpg | Ford - unidentified2 | |
Album Alice Ford Griswold | Album Alice Ford Griswold-20120828-022.jpg | Ford - unidentfied2 | |
Album Alice Ford Griswold | Album Alice Ford Griswold-20120828-023.jpg | Ford - unidentified2 | |
Album Alice Ford Griswold | Album Alice Ford Griswold-20120828-024.jpg | Ford - unidentified2 | |
Album Alice Ford Griswold | Album Alice Ford Griswold-20120828-025.jpg | Ford - unidentified2 | |
Album Alice Ford Griswold | Album Alice Ford Griswold-20120828-026.jpg | Ford - Unidentified2 | |
Album Alice Ford Griswold | Album Alice Ford Griswold-20120828-027.jpg | Ford - unidentified2 | |
Album Alice Ford Griswold | Album Alice Ford Griswold-20120828-028.jpg | Ford - Mr Wilbar | |
Album Alice Ford Griswold | Album Alice Ford Griswold-20120828-029.jpg | Ford - Mrs Cora Wilbar | |
Album Alice Ford Griswold | Album Alice Ford Griswold-20120828-030.jpg | Ford - Unidentified | |
Album Alice Ford Griswold | Album Alice Ford Griswold-20120828-031.jpg | Ford - Unidentified2 | |
Album Alice Ford Griswold | Album Alice Ford Griswold-20120828-032.jpg | Ford - Unidentified2 | |
Album Alice Ford Griswold | Album Alice Ford Griswold-20120828-033.jpg | Ford - Unidentified2 | |
Album Alice Ford Griswold | Album Alice Ford Griswold-20120828-034.jpg | Ford - Aunt Lora Griswold Slocumb | |
Album Alice Ford Griswold | Album Alice Ford Griswold-20120828-035.jpg | Ford - unidentified2 | |
Album Alice Ford Griswold | Album Alice Ford Griswold-20120828-036.jpg | Ford - unidentified2 | |
Album Alice Ford Griswold | Album Alice Ford Griswold-20120828-037.jpg | Ford - unidentified2 | |
Album Alice Ford Griswold | Album Alice Ford Griswold-20120828-038.jpg | Ford - unidentified2 | |
Album Alice Ford Griswold | Album Alice Ford Griswold-20120828-039.jpg | Ford - unidentified2 | |
Album Alice Ford Griswold | Album Alice Ford Griswold-20120828-040.jpg | Ford - unidentified2 | |
Album Alice Ford Griswold | Album Alice Ford Griswold-20120828-041.jpg | Ford - unidentified2 | |
Album Alice Ford Griswold | Album Alice Ford Griswold-20120828-042.jpg | Ford - unidentified2 | |
Album Alice Ford Griswold | Album Alice Ford Griswold-20120828-043.jpg | Ford - Uncle Charles Slocumb | |
Album Alice Ford Griswold | Album Alice Ford Griswold-20120828-044.jpg | Ford - Aunt Cora Griswold Slocumb | |
Album Alice Ford Griswold | Album Alice Ford Griswold-20120828-045.jpg | Ford - unidentified2 | |
Album Alice Ford Griswold | Album Alice Ford Griswold-20120828-046.jpg | Ford - unidentified2 | |
Album Alice Ford Griswold | Album Alice Ford Griswold-20120828-047.jpg | Ford - unidentified2 | |
Album Alice Ford Griswold | Album Alice Ford Griswold-20120828-048.jpg | Ford - Unidentified2 | |
Album Alice Ford Griswold | Album Alice Ford Griswold-20120828-049.jpg | Ford - Unidentified2 | |
Album Alice Ford Griswold | Album Alice Ford Griswold-20120828-050.jpg | Ford - unidentified2 | |
Album Alice Ford_Griswold_Dearing | Album Alice Ford_Griswold_Dearing-20111004-002.jpg | Ford - Charles Slecomb; Lorenza and G Slocomb; Harriet T Griswold | |
Album Alice Ford_Griswold_Dearing | Album Alice Ford_Griswold_Dearing-20111004-003.jpg | Ford - Albert W Griswold | |
Album Alice Ford_Griswold_Dearing | Album Alice Ford_Griswold_Dearing-20111004-004.jpg | Ford - Francis Griswold Chapmant sister of Florence Griswold Dearing | |
Album Alice Ford_Griswold_Dearing | Album Alice Ford_Griswold_Dearing-20111004-005.jpg | Ford - Albert W Griswold | |
Album Alice Ford_Griswold_Dearing | Album Alice Ford_Griswold_Dearing-20111004-006.jpg | "Ford - Florence R Griswold-Dearing | |
Album Alice Ford_Griswold_Dearing | Album Alice Ford_Griswold_Dearing-20111004-007.jpg | "Ford - Florence Maude Dearing-Sumner | |
Album Alice Ford_Griswold_Dearing | Album Alice Ford_Griswold_Dearing-20111004-008.jpg | Ford - Francis Griswold Chapman | |
Album Alice Ford_Griswold_Dearing | Album Alice Ford_Griswold_Dearing-20111004-009.jpg | Ford - Florence Griswold Dearing | |
Album Alice Ford_Griswold_Dearing | Album Alice Ford_Griswold_Dearing-20111004-010.jpg | Ford - Florence Maude Dearing Sumner | |
Album Alice Ford_Griswold_Dearing | Album Alice Ford_Griswold_Dearing-20111004-011.jpg | Ford - Florence Maude Dearing Sumner | |
Album Alice Ford_Griswold_Dearing | Album Alice Ford_Griswold_Dearing-20111004-012.jpg | Ford - Florence Maude Dearing-Griswold | |
Album Alice Ford_Griswold_Dearing | Album Alice Ford_Griswold_Dearing-20111004-013.jpg | Ford - Grandma Griswold | |
Album Alice Ford_Griswold_Dearing | Album Alice Ford_Griswold_Dearing-20111004-014.jpg | Ford - Louis Chester Chapman | |
Album Alice Ford_Griswold_Dearing | Album Alice Ford_Griswold_Dearing-20111004-015.jpg | Ford - Dewitt Chapman | |
Album Alice Ford_Griswold_Dearing | Album Alice Ford_Griswold_Dearing-20111004-016.jpg | Ford - Francis Griswold Chapman | |
Album Alice Ford_Griswold_Dearing | Album Alice Ford_Griswold_Dearing-20111004-017.jpg | "Ford - Florence M Dearing | |
Album Alice Ford_Griswold_Dearing | Album Alice Ford_Griswold_Dearing-20111004-018.jpg | Ford - Florence M Dearing | |
Album Alice Ford_Griswold_Dearing | Album Alice Ford_Griswold_Dearing-20111004-019.jpg | Ford - Howard Chapman | |
Album Alice Ford_Griswold_Dearing | Album Alice Ford_Griswold_Dearing-20111004-020.jpg | Ford - Howard Chapman | |
Album Alice Ford_Griswold_Dearing | Album Alice Ford_Griswold_Dearing-20111004-021.jpg | Ford - Florence Dearing Sumner | |
Album Alice Ford_Griswold_Dearing | Album Alice Ford_Griswold_Dearing-20111004-022.jpg | Ford - Mr and Mrs Tom Thumb and Family | |
Album Alice Ford_Griswold_Dearing | Album Alice Ford_Griswold_Dearing-20111004-023.jpg | Ford - Gen Fremont | |
Album Alice Ford_Griswold_Dearing | Album Alice Ford_Griswold_Dearing-20111004-024.jpg | Ford - Gen Mc Clellan; Geo H Pendleton | |
Album Alice Ford_Griswold_Dearing | Album Alice Ford_Griswold_Dearing-20111004-025.jpg | Ford - Brig Gen Comd G Division | |
Album Alice Ford_Griswold_Dearing | Album Alice Ford_Griswold_Dearing-20111004-026.jpg | "Ford - Florence M Dearing | |
Album Alice Ford_Griswold_Dearing | Album Alice Ford_Griswold_Dearing-20111004-027.jpg | "Ford - Florence M Dearing | |
Album Alice Ford_Griswold_Dearing | Album Alice Ford_Griswold_Dearing-20111004-028.jpg | Ford For 2 One Cent | |
Album Alice Ford_Griswold_Dearing | Album Alice Ford_Griswold_Dearing-20111004-029.jpg | "Ford - Charles Slocomb | |
Album Alice Ford_Griswold_Dearing | Album Alice Ford_Griswold_Dearing-20111004-030.jpg | Ford - Charles Slocumb | |
Album Alice Ford_Griswold_Dearing | Album Alice Ford_Griswold_Dearing-20111004-031.jpg | Ford - Lorenza V Griswold Slocumb | |
Album Alice Ford_Griswold_Dearing | Album Alice Ford_Griswold_Dearing-20111004-032.jpg | Ford - Florence Maude Dearing-Sumner | |
Album Alice Ford_Griswold_Dearing | Album Alice Ford_Griswold_Dearing-20111004-033.jpg | Ford - Gen Edward F Jones advertisement 1886 | |
Album Alice Ford_Griswold_Dearing | Album Alice Ford_Griswold_Dearing-20111004-034.jpg | "Ford - Florence Maude Dearing-Sumner | |
Album Alice Ford_Griswold_Dearing | Album Alice Ford_Griswold_Dearing-20111004-035.jpg | Ford - Earle Allen Griswold | |
Album Alice Ford_Griswold_Dearing | Album Alice Ford_Griswold_Dearing-20111004-036.jpg | Ford - Unidentified2 | |
Album Alice Ford_Griswold_Dearing | Album Alice Ford_Griswold_Dearing-20111004-037.jpg | Ford - Unidentified2 | |
Album Alice Ford_Griswold_Dearing | Album Alice Ford_Griswold_Dearing-20120326-001.jpg | Mrs Frank Ford note | |
Forde | Forde-20050815-001.jpg | Norman Forde newspaper articles | |
Forde | Forde-20050815-002.jpg | Forde family | |
Forde | Forde-20050815-003.jpg | Sever Forde and Caroline Anderson wedding photo | |
Forde | Forde-20050815-004.jpg | Frances and Ray Forde | |
Forde | Forde-20050815-005.jpg | Mae Forde Wayzata High School 1928 | |
Forde | Forde-20050815-006.jpg | Forde - Aunt Lora and our friend Grace Garanay taken on our side porch November 1911 | |
Forde | Forde-20050815-007.jpg | Forde notes | |
Forde | Forde-20050815-008.jpg | Sever Forde family notes | |
Forde | Forde-20050815-009.jpg | Mr and Mrs Ernest Ford birth of child | |
Forde | Forde-20050815-010.jpg | Frances A Forde Obituary | |
Forde | Forde-20050815-011.jpg | S Ford sells home | |
Forde | Forde-20050815-012.jpg | "Mae Forde | |
Forde | Forde-20050815-014.jpg | Buddy and Mae Forde lost/found children | |
Forde | Forde-20050815-015.jpg | "Clifford Forde with lost/found children | |
Forde | Forde-20050815-016.jpg | - | |
Forde | Forde-20050815-017.jpg | - | |
Forde | Forde-20050815-018.jpg | Mrs Clifford Forde and Phillip | |
Forde | Forde-20050815-019.jpg | "Ray Forde | |
Forde | Forde-20050815-020.jpg | Ray Forde 2 of 3 | |
Forde | Forde-20050815-021.jpg | Ray Forde 3 of 3 | |
Forde | Forde-20120216-022.jpg | Clifford S Forde obituary 1992 | |
Forde | Forde-20160123-013.jpg | Forde -1917 Minnesota State High School Board American History test | |
Fortin | Fortin-20050815-001.jpg | Fortin notes | |
Fortin | Fortin-20050815-002.jpg | Rev Lloyd J Fortin Minnesota Citizens for Racing | |
Fortin | Fortin-20050815-003.jpg | Gertrude M Fortin memoir | |
Fortin | Fortin-20050815-004.jpg | Bradley Paul Fortin engagement | |
Fortin | Fortin-20050815-005.jpg | Joseph Fortin plat info | |
Fortin | Fortin-20050815-006.jpg | Fortin notes | |
Fortin | Fortin-20050815-007.jpg | Fortin notes | |
Fortin | Fortin-20050815-008.jpg | "Pamela Fortin | |
Fortin | Fortin-20050815-009.jpg | Fortin hardware advertisement | |
Fortin | Fortin-20050815-010.jpg | "Fortin Hardware Store | |
Fortin | Fortin-20050815-011.jpg | "Kenneth and Paul Fortin | |
Fortin | Fortin-20050815-012.jpg | Fortin Hardware | |
Fortin | Fortin-20050815-013.jpg | Paul Fortin interview 1 of 10 | |
Fortin | Fortin-20050815-014.jpg | Paul Fortin....2 of 10 | |
Fortin | Fortin-20050815-015.jpg | Paul Fortin....3 of 10 | |
Fortin | Fortin-20050815-016.jpg | Paul Fortin...4 of 10 | |
Fortin | Fortin-20050815-017.jpg | Paul Fortin....5 of 10 | |
Fortin | Fortin-20050815-018.jpg | Paul Fortin....6 of 10 | |
Fortin | Fortin-20050815-019.jpg | Paul Fortin....7 of 10 | |
Fortin | Fortin-20050815-020.jpg | Paul Fortin....8 of 10 | |
Fortin | Fortin-20050815-021.jpg | Paul Fortin...9 of 10 | |
Fortin | Fortin-20050815-022.jpg | Paul Fortin....10 of 10 | |
Fortin | Fortin-20050815-023.jpg | Paul Fortin Third Generation Hamelite article | |
Fortin | Fortin-20050815-024.jpg | Paul Fortin 1980 Citizen of the Year | |
Fortin | Fortin-20050815-025.jpg | Fortin - Hamel Post Office | |
Fortin | Fortin-20050815-026.jpg | Fortin - Hamel Baseball Team | |
Fortin | Fortin-20050815-027.jpg | Fortin notes | |
Fortin | Fortin-20050922-028.jpg | Unidentified | |
Fortin | Fortin-20050922-029.jpg | Lloyd Fortin A Happening article 1 of 2 | |
Fortin | Fortin-20050922-030.jpg | Lloyd Fortin 2 of 2 | |
Fortin | Fortin-20050922-031.jpg | Fortin family notes | |
Fortin | Fortin-20111231-032.jpg | "Ester Fortin K of C saddened 02-02-1988 NOTE; document located in box entitled Annual meeting Minutes | |
Fortin | Fortin-20111231-033.jpg | Mary C Fortin obituary | |
Fortin | Fortin-20120102-034.jpg | Isabel Fortin obituary | |
Fortin | Fortin-20120102-035.jpg | Isabel [Koch] Fortin memoriam 03-30-1914 - 03-15-1992 | |
Fortin | Fortin-20120106-036.jpg | "Isabel [Koch] Fortin memoriam 03-30-1914 - 03-15-1992 NOTE: document located in box entitled Annual Meeting Minutes | |
Fortin | Fortin-20120106-037.jpg | "Isabel Fortin obituary NOTE: document located in box entitled Annual Meeting Minutes | |
Fortin | Fortin-20120418-038.jpg | Gertrude M Fortin obituary 10-13-1979 | |
Fortin | Fortin-20120418-039.jpg | Gertrude M Fortin obituary 11-07-1979 | |
Fortin | Fortin-20120418-040.jpg | Gertrude M Fortin obituary 11-07-1979 | |
Fortin | Fortin-20120505-041.jpg | Gertrude M Fortin obituary | |
Fortin | Fortin-20120511-042.jpg | Fortin - Robb Rubert Raguet obituary 04-03-199 | |
Foster | Foster-20050815-002.jpg | Paul Foster note | |
Foster | Foster-20130427-001.jpg | "Anna Satterthwaite Foster June 14 | |
Fournie | Fournie-20050815-001.jpg | Elizabeth Fournie Hutchinson musician 1 of 2 | |
Fournie | Fournie-20050815-002.jpg | Elizabeth Fournie Hutchinson 2 of 2 | |
Fowser | Fowser-20110929-001.jpg | Derek Fowser 5-fatality crash claims life of Long lake boy August 1986 | |
Frank | Frank-20050815-001.jpg | Frank notes | |
Frank | Frank-20050815-002.jpg | John Frank farmer | |
Frank | Frank-20050815-003.jpg | John Frank's wife | |
Frank | Frank-20050815-004.jpg | Frank notes | |
Franklin | Franklin-20050815-001.jpg | Pauline Brown Franklin descendants 1 of 7 | |
Franklin | Franklin-20050815-002.jpg | Pauline Brown Franklin....2 of 7 | |
Franklin | Franklin-20050815-003.jpg | Pauline Brown Franklin....3 of 7 | |
Franklin | Franklin-20050815-004.jpg | Pauline Brown Franklin....4 of 7 | |
Franklin | Franklin-20050815-005.jpg | Pauline Brown Franklin....5 of 7 | |
Franklin | Franklin-20050815-006.jpg | Pauline Brown Franklin....6 of 7 | |
Franklin | Franklin-20050815-007.jpg | Pauline Brown Franklin....7 of 7 | |
Franklin | Franklin-20050815-008.jpg | Franklin letter | |
Franklin | Franklin-20050815-009.jpg | Franklin note | |
Franklin | Franklin-20050815-010.jpg | Franklin letter 1 of 4 | |
Franklin | Franklin-20050815-011.jpg | Franklin letter 2 of 4 | |
Franklin | Franklin-20050815-012.jpg | Franklin letter 3 of 4 | |
Franklin | Franklin-20050815-013.jpg | Franklin letter 4 of 4 | |
Franklin | Franklin-20050815-014.jpg | Franklin family notes | |
Franklin | Franklin-20050815-015.jpg | Franklin notes | |
Franklin | Franklin-20101012-016.jpg | Franklin notes | |
Franklin | Franklin-20101012-017.jpg | Benjamin Franklin land registration | |
Franklin | Franklin-20101012-018.jpg | William Richardson Franklin land registration | |
Franklin | Franklin-20101012-019.jpg | Christiana Franklin land registration | |
Franklin | Franklin-20101012-020.jpg | Ebenezer Franklin land registration | |
Franklin | Franklin-20101012-021.jpg | John Franklin land registration | |
Franklin | Franklin-20111108-022.jpg | "Benjamin Franklin note NOTE: original document located in box entitled Annual Meeting Minutes | |
Franklin | Franklin-20120314-023.jpg | Benjamin Franklin note | |
Frear | Frear-20050815-001.jpg | Frear family notes | |
Frear | Frear-20050815-002.jpg | Dana W Frear | |
Frear | Frear-20050815-003.jpg | Dana and Anne Frear memoir | |
Frear | Frear-20050815-004.jpg | Dana and Anne Frear Obituary | |
Frear | Frear-20050815-005.jpg | Frear notes | |
Frear | Frear-20050815-006.jpg | Frear notes | |
Frear | Frear-20050815-007.jpg | Frear note | |
Frear | Frear-20050815-008.jpg | Frear estate auction | |
Frederick | Frederick-20120508-001.jpg | Marion L Frederick obituary 1979 | |
Frederick | Frederick-20120508-002.jpg | Marion L Frederick obituary 1979 | |
Frederick | Frederick-20120511-003.jpg | Marion L Frederick obituary 1979 | |
Fredericks | Fredericks-20050815-001.jpg | Aloy Fredericks plat info | |
Frederickson | Frederickson-20110621-001.jpg | Mary Edna Frederickson (Millam) obituary | |
Freer | Freer-20111103-001.jpg | "Nell E Freer obituary June 1956 | |
French | French-20050815-001.jpg | French The Land That Kept Its Promise | |
French | French-20050815-002.jpg | Martha G and Allen T French headstone | |
French | French-20050815-003.jpg | Martha and Allen French notes | |
French | French-20050815-004.jpg | "French Chapter 7 | |
French | French-20050815-005.jpg | French Chapter....2 of 10 | |
French | French-20050815-006.jpg | French Chapter....3 of 10 | |
French | French-20050815-007.jpg | Franch Chapter....4 of 10 | |
French | French-20050815-008.jpg | French Chapter....5 of 10 | |
French | French-20050815-009.jpg | French Chapter....6 of 10 | |
French | French-20050815-010.jpg | French Chapter....7 of 10 | |
French | French-20050815-011.jpg | French Chapter....8 of 10 | |
French | French-20050815-012.jpg | French Chapter....9 of 10 | |
French | French-20050815-013.jpg | French Chapter....10 of 10 | |
French | French-20050815-014.jpg | David and Joseph French notes 1 of 4 | |
French | French-20050815-015.jpg | David and Joseph....2 of 4 | |
French | French-20050815-016.jpg | David and Joseph....3 of 4 | |
French | French-20050815-017.jpg | David and Joseph....4 of 4 | |
French | French-20050815-018.jpg | David French Land Patent Report 1 of 2 | |
French | French-20050815-019.jpg | David French Land....2 of 2 | |
French | French-20050815-020.jpg | John french family notes | |
French | French-20050815-021.jpg | French abstract 1 of 5 | |
French | French-20050815-022.jpg | French abstract 2 of 5 | |
French | French-20050815-023.jpg | French abstract 3 of 5 | |
French | French-20050815-024.jpg | French abstract 4 of 5 | |
French | French-20050815-025.jpg | French abstract 5 of 5 | |
French | French-20050815-026.jpg | French Lake Logging notes | |
French | French-20050815-027.jpg | French notes | |
French | French-20050815-028.jpg | Allen T French article | |
French | French-20050815-029.jpg | "Newton French | |
French | French-20050815-030.jpg | French notes | |
French | French-20050815-031.jpg | French notes | |
French | French-20050815-032.jpg | French notes | |
French | French-20050815-033.jpg | French notes | |
French | French-20050815-034.jpg | Newton French note | |
French | French-20050815-035.jpg | Dollie French note | |
French | French-20050815-036.jpg | Ben French note | |
French | French-20050815-037.jpg | Unidentified | |
French | French-20050815-038.jpg | "Martha French | |
French | French-20050815-039.jpg | Jane French Sjotvets | |
French | French-20050815-040.jpg | Allen French | |
French | French-20050815-041.jpg | "French - Mollie Early's daughter | |
French | French-20050815-042.jpg | "French - Annie Alsea | |
French | French-20050815-043.jpg | French notes | |
French | French-20050815-044.jpg | French - Old Indian Trail through French Lake Basin 1982-entrance to Harrison Avenue off of Willow Drive | |
French | French-20050815-045.jpg | "Horton Irvin French | |
French | French-20050815-046.jpg | Dora M French letter 1 of 2 | |
French | French-20050815-047.jpg | Dora M French letter 2 of 2 | |
French | French-20050815-048.jpg | French Lake its Settlement with notes on Granny's Bay 1 of 17 | |
French | French-20050815-049.jpg | French Lake....2 of 17 | |
French | French-20050815-050.jpg | French Lake....3 of 17 | |
French | French-20050815-051.jpg | French Lake 15 of 17 | |
French | French-20050815-052.jpg | French Lake 14 of 17 | |
French | French-20050815-053.jpg | French Lake 13 of 17 | |
French | French-20050815-054.jpg | French lake 12 of 17 | |
French | French-20050815-055.jpg | French Lake 11 of 17 | |
French | French-20050815-056.jpg | French Lake 10 of 17 | |
French | French-20050815-057.jpg | French Lake 4 of 17 | |
French | French-20050815-058.jpg | French Lake 5 of 17 | |
French | French-20050815-059.jpg | French Lake 6 of 17 | |
French | French-20050815-060.jpg | French Lake 7 of 17 | |
French | French-20050815-061.jpg | French Lake 8 of 17 | |
French | French-20050815-062.jpg | French Lake 9 of 17 | |
French | French-20050815-063.jpg | French Lake 16 of 17 | |
French | French-20050815-064.jpg | French Lake 17 of 17 | |
French | French-20160516-065.JPG | "Allen French (1912-1888) and Martha [Gibson] French (1822-1906) - came in Quaker Colony. French lake Swamp near Crystal Bay | |
Freund | Freund 1560-1864001.jpg | Early Freund History 1560-1864 | |
Freund | Freund-20050815-001.jpg | John Peter Freund notes | |
Freund | Freund-20050815-002.jpg | Clement Freund letter | |
Freund | Freund-20050815-003.jpg | Raymond J Freund family group record 1 of 4 | |
Freund | Freund-20050815-004.jpg | Raymond J Freund....2 of 4 | |
Freund | Freund-20050815-005.jpg | Raymond J Freund....3 of 4 | |
Freund | Freund-20050815-006.jpg | Raymond J Freund....4 of 4 | |
Freund | Freund-20050815-007.jpg | Freund - 1 of 10 | |
Freund | Freund-20050815-008.jpg | Freund 2 of 10 | |
Freund | Freund-20050815-009.jpg | Freund 3 of 10 | |
Freund | Freund-20050815-010.jpg | Freund 4 of 10 | |
Freund | Freund-20050815-011.jpg | Freund 5 of 10 | |
Freund | Freund-20050815-012.jpg | Freund 6 of 10 | |
Freund | Freund-20050815-013.jpg | Freund 7 of 10 | |
Freund | Freund-20050815-014.jpg | Freund 8 of 10 | |
Freund | Freund-20050815-015.jpg | Freund 9 of 10 | |
Freund | Freund-20050815-016.jpg | Freund 10 of 10 | |
Freund | Freund-20050815-017.jpg | Freund letter | |
Freund | Freund-20050815-019.jpg | Freund notes | |
Freund | Freund-20050815-020.jpg | Irene Freund Obituary | |
Freund | Freund-20050815-021.jpg | Chief Freund retires | |
Freund | Freund-20050815-022.jpg | Violet S Freund memoir | |
Freund | Freund-20050815-023.jpg | Marie Freund note | |
Freund | Freund-20050815-024.jpg | Bud Freund and Alice Sorensen Emma's-the memories article 1 of 2 | |
Freund | Freund-20050815-025.jpg | Bob Freund.....2 of 2 | |
Freund | Freund-20111231-036.jpg | "Irene M Freund obituary NOTE: document located in box entitled Annual Meeting Minutes | |
Freund | Freund-20120427-037.jpg | Gerhard Freund obituary and notes | |
Freund | Freund-20120825-018.jpg | "Freund - Long Lake Hotel 1907. L-R: Mr & Mrs Gagstetter and daughter | |
Freund | Freund-20130715-026.doc | - | |
Freund | Freund-20130930-038.jpg | "left and top pictures: Father Melchior Freund; bottom picture: Richard | |
Freund | Freund-20130930-039.jpg | Gerald John Freund with brother Richard | |
Freund | Freund-20131023-040.jpg | Freund caretaker home on Heffelfinger Mid MeadowFarm | |
Freund | Freund-20131023-041.jpg | Map of Freund caretaker home on Heffelfinger Mid Meadow Farm | |
Freund | Freund-20131023-042.jpg | Freund Caretaker Heffelfinger Mid Meadows Property | |
Freund | Freund-20131023-043.jpg | Emma Freund of Emma's Cafe Journey fromAustria to the U.S. | |
Freund | Freund-20131023-044.jpg | Emma Freund Halverson's Journey from Austria to the US and Emma's Cafe | |
Freund | Freund-20131023-045.jpg | Emma's Journey from Austria to the US and Emma's Cafe | |
Freund | Freund-20131023-046.jpg | Emma's Journey from Austri9a to the US and Emma's Cafe | |
Freund | Freund-20131023-047.jpg | Heffelfinger Original Mid Meadows House | |
Freund | Freund-20131023-048.jpg | Heffelfinger Mid Meadows Farm Barn and Chicken Coop | |
Freund | Freund-20131023-049.jpg | Harry Sherf Caretaker of Heffelfinger Mid Meadows Farm before Clem Freund | |
Freund | Freund-20131023-050.jpg | Freund Caretaqker Heffelfinger Mid Meadows Farm History | |
Freund | Freund-20150905-051.jpg | Irene Freun Wayzata High School Diploma 1935 | |
Freund | Freund-20150905-052.jpg | "1935 Wayzata High School Class Reunion | |
Freund | Freund-20150919-032.jpg | - | |
Freund | Freund-20151007-027.jpg | Vernon & Dellia Roehl | |
Freund | Freund-20151007-028.jpg | Gerhard & Irene Freund | |
Freund | Freund-20151007-029.jpg | Gerhard & Irene Freund | |
Freund | Freund-20151007-030.jpg | Arthur and Irene Freund | |
Freund | Freund-20151007-031.jpg | Irene & Arthur Freund | |
Freund | Freund-20151007-033.jpg | "Vernon Roehl | |
Freund | Freund-20151007-034.jpg | "Mathias Roehl | |
Freund | Freund-20151007-035.jpg | "Joseph & Margaret Etzel | |
Frey | Frey-20120729-001.jpg | George Frey | |
Freyer | Freyer-20050815-001.jpg | Mathew Freyer plat info | |
Frick | Frick-20050815-002.jpg | A Thomas Frick Memories | |
Frick | Frick-20050815-003.jpg | Tom Frick recollections | |
Frick | Frick-20050815-004.jpg | Mary Anne Frick Letter to the Editor | |
Frick | Frick-20050815-005.jpg | Stuart Frick Local Banker.... article | |
Frick | Frick-20050815-006.jpg | Stuart Alvin Frick engagement | |
Frick | Frick-20050815-007.jpg | Robert B Frick will head insurance agency | |
Frick | Frick-20050815-008.jpg | August Frick in Yuletree Business for 40th Season | |
Frick | Frick-20050815-009.jpg | Howard Frick Quits City.... | |
Frick | Frick-20050815-010.jpg | Robert Frick WCCO Good Neighbor | |
Frick | Frick-20050815-011.jpg | Robert B Frick named president of Wayzata Insurance | |
Frick | Frick-20050815-012.jpg | A Thomas Frick notes 1 of 3 | |
Frick | Frick-20050815-013.jpg | A Thomas Frick notes 2 of 3 | |
Frick | Frick-20050815-014.jpg | A Thomas Frick notes 3 of 3 | |
Frick | Frick-20050815-015.jpg | Elias Frick notes | |
Frick | Frick-20050815-016.jpg | Steven Frick marriage | |
Frick | Frick-20050815-017.jpg | A Thomas Frick letter | |
Frick | Frick-20050815-018.jpg | - | |
Frick | Frick-20050815-019.jpg | Alex Mary Frick | |
Frick | Frick-20050815-020.jpg | Tom Frick notes | |
Frick | Frick-20050815-021.jpg | Tom Frick Notes 04-24-1979 | |
Frick | Frick-20050815-022.jpg | August Frick Christmas Trees advertisement | |
Frick | Frick-20050815-023.jpg | Madeline P Frick Obituary | |
Frick | Frick-20050815-024.jpg | Anna Frick marriage | |
Frick | Frick-20050815-025.jpg | - | |
Frick | Frick-20050815-026.jpg | Frick's Cash Food Store advertisement | |
Frick | Frick-20050815-027.jpg | Ethel Frick note | |
Frick | Frick-20050815-028.jpg | Alvin Frick home purchase | |
Frick | Frick-20050815-029.jpg | Frick notes | |
Frick | Frick-20050815-030.jpg | Frick notes | |
Frick | Frick-20050815-031.jpg | Frick notes | |
Frick | Frick-20050815-032.jpg | Alvin C Frick marriage | |
Frick | Frick-20050816-033.jpg | August Frick in Yultree Business for 40th Season | |
Frick | Frick-20050816-034.jpg | Frick newspaper article | |
Frick | Frick-20050816-035.jpg | Frick - cabin of Judge J B Gilfillan | |
Frick | Frick-20050816-036.jpg | Alexander Frick marriage | |
Frick | Frick-20050816-037.jpg | Tom Frick memoir | |
Frick | Frick-20050816-038.jpg | Frick notes | |
Frick | Frick-20050816-039.jpg | Frick notes | |
Frick | Frick-20050816-040.jpg | Frick notes | |
Frick | Frick-20050816-041.jpg | Frick notes | |
Frick | Frick-20050816-042.jpg | Frick notes | |
Frick | Frick-20050816-043.jpg | Frick notes | |
Frick | Frick-20050816-044.jpg | Frick notes | |
Frick | Frick-20050816-045.jpg | Frick notes | |
Frick | Frick-20050816-046.jpg | Alex R Frick Farmers' Directory.... | |
Frick | Frick-20050816-047.jpg | Bob Frick advertisement | |
Frick | Frick-20050816-048.jpg | Tom Frick 1942 | |
Frick | Frick-20050816-049.jpg | Unidentified | |
Frick | Frick-20050816-050.jpg | Myrtle Frick | |
Frick | Frick-20050816-051.jpg | Tom Frick | |
Frick | Frick-20050816-052.jpg | Frick family records 1 of 2 | |
Frick | Frick-20050816-053.jpg | Frick Family records 2 of 2 | |
Frick | Frick-20051002-054.jpg | Chuck and Colleen Frick article | |
Frick | Frick-20051002-055.jpg | Frick family tree 1 of 23 | |
Frick | Frick-20051002-056.jpg | Frick family....2 of 23 | |
Frick | Frick-20051002-057.jpg | Frick family....3 of 23 | |
Frick | Frick-20051002-058.jpg | Frick family....4 of 23 | |
Frick | Frick-20051002-059.jpg | Frick family....5 of 23 | |
Frick | Frick-20051002-060.jpg | Frick family....6 of 23 | |
Frick | Frick-20051002-061.jpg | Frick family....7 of 23 | |
Frick | Frick-20051002-062.jpg | Frick family....8 of 23 | |
Frick | Frick-20051002-063.jpg | Frick family....9 of 23 | |
Frick | Frick-20051002-064.jpg | Frick family....10 of 23 | |
Frick | Frick-20051002-065.jpg | Frick family....11 of 23 | |
Frick | Frick-20051002-066.jpg | Frick family....12 of 23 | |
Frick | Frick-20051002-067.jpg | Frick family....13 of 23 | |
Frick | Frick-20051002-068.jpg | Frick family....14 of 23 | |
Frick | Frick-20051002-069.jpg | Frick family....15 of 23 | |
Frick | Frick-20051002-070.jpg | Frick family....16 of 23 | |
Frick | Frick-20051002-071.jpg | Frick family....17 of 23 | |
Frick | Frick-20051002-072.jpg | Frick family....18 of 23 | |
Frick | Frick-20051002-073.jpg | Frick family....19 of 23 | |
Frick | Frick-20051002-074.jpg | Frick family....20 of 23 | |
Frick | Frick-20051002-075.jpg | Frick family....21 of 23 | |
Frick | Frick-20051002-076.jpg | Frick family....22 of 23 | |
Frick | Frick-20051002-077.jpg | Frick family....23 of 23 | |
Frick | Frick-20060402-078.jpg | Harold Frick death | |
Frick | Frick-20100807-088.jpg | Robert B Frick A Celebration of Life 02-14-1923 - 04-26-2010 1 of 4 | |
Frick | Frick-20100807-089.jpg | Robert B Frick A Celebration....2 of 4 | |
Frick | Frick-20100807-090.jpg | Robert F Brick A Celebration....3 of 4 | |
Frick | Frick-20100807-091.jpg | Robert B Frick A Celebration....4 of 4 | |
Frick | Frick-20100807-092.jpg | Robert Frick notes | |
Frick | Frick-20100807-093.jpg | Frick - Amazing Grace.... | |
Frick | Frick-20110609-079.jpg | Neil I Frick obituary | |
Frick | Frick-20111205-080.jpg | "August Augie Frick obituary 05-31-1985 NOTE: original document located in box entitled Annual Meeting Minutes | |
Frick | Frick-20111208-081.jpg | "Alexander Tommy Frick memoriam 07-17-1895 - 09-11-1987 NOTE original document located in box entitled Annual Meeting Minutes | |
Frick | Frick-20111208-082.jpg | "Alexander Frick obituary NOTE: original document located in box entitled Annual Meeting Minutes | |
Frick | Frick-20111208-083.jpg | "Alexander Tommy Frick obituary 09-16-1987 NOTE original document located in box entitled Annaul Meeting Minutes | |
Frick | Frick-20111228-084.jpg | "Everett V Frick obituary 1986 NOTE: document located in box entitled Annual Meeting Minutes | |
Frick | Frick-20120104-085.jpg | Alex R Frick NOTE: .....2 of 2 | |
Frick | Frick-20120104-086.jpg | "Alex R Frick NOTE: document located in box entitled Annual Meeting Minutes | |
Frick | Frick-20160502-001.JPG | "Elias Frick and wife. Came to New Ulm | |
Frick | Frick-20160502-087.JPG | Tom Frick cooking at camp (16) in 1919 in Minnesota; 40 miles south of the Canada border. Heis standing on the right hand side in white. Located in Photo Gallery L07 | |
Frick | Frick-20160504-094.JPG | "Alivn C Frick 1891-1956 and Myrtle (Hagberg) Frick - married in 1916. President of Wayzata State Bank. Gift from Tom Frick | |
Friels | Friels-20120314-001.jpg | Alex R Friels note | |
Frieman | Frieman-20050816-001.jpg | Daniel H Freeman plat info | |
Fries | Fries-20050816-002.jpg | Fries notes | |
Fries | Fries-20050816-003.jpg | Ed Fries notes | |
Fries | Fries-20050816-004.jpg | Fries notes | |
Fries | Fries-20050816-005.jpg | Earl Fries newspaper article | |
Fries | Fries-20050816-006.jpg | Fries notes | |
Fries | Fries-20050816-007.jpg | Beverly Fries notes | |
Fries | Fries-20050816-008.jpg | Carl Fries family notes 1 of 3 | |
Fries | Fries-20050816-009.jpg | Carl Fries family notes 2 of 3 | |
Fries | Fries-20050816-010.jpg | Carl Fries family notes 3 of 3 | |
Fries | Fries-20050816-011.jpg | "Charles Fries (Carl) | |
Fries | Fries-20110428-014.jpg | Peter Fries family census information 1 of 3 | |
Fries | Fries-20110428-015.jpg | Peter Fries family....2 of 3 | |
Fries | Fries-20110428-016.jpg | Peter Fries family....3 of 3 | |
Fries | Fries-20111128-017.jpg | "Peter Fries note. First sentence reads Peter Fries was born in Hertzhof Germany | |
Fries | Fries-20111228-013.jpg | "Ruben Fries obituary and notes 04-01-1986 NOTE: document located in book entitled Annual Meeting Minutes | |
Fries | Fries-20120314-018.jpg | Margaret Harme M Fries note | |
Fries | Fries-20120314-019.jpg | Peter Fries note | |
Fries | Fries-20160502-001.JPG | "Carl Fries | |
Fries | Fries-20160502-012.JPG | "Fries - Mrs James Dillman'sbirthday. Front: Mrs Peter Fries | |
Fries | Fries-20160502-020.JPG | Peter Fries Family- Front Row: Carl; Margaret [Hannen] Peter. Back Row: Edward; Ida; Catherine; William. From Thomas Rettinger Located In Photo Gallery K15 | |
Fritz | Fritz-20050816-001.jpg | Fritz notes | |
Fritz | Fritz-20050816-002.jpg | Fritz notes | |
Fritz | Fritz-20050816-003.jpg | Fritz notes | |
Fritz | Fritz-20110921-004.jpg | "Emma Fritz obituary NOTE: oritginal document located in Box entitled Annual Meeting minutes | |
Fritz | Fritz-20120108-005.jpg | Lester E Fritz obituary | |
Frost | Frost-20050816-001.jpg | Frost notes | |
Frost | Frost-20050816-002.jpg | Warren Frost newspaper article | |
Frost | Frost-20050816-003.jpg | Edith Frost newspaper article | |
Frost | Frost-20050816-004.jpg | Benjamin Frost descendants | |
Frost | Frost-20050816-005.jpg | Olive Frost | |
Frost | Frost-20120406-008.jpg | Esther Frost obituary 01-01-1981 | |
Frost | Frost-20120418-009.jpg | Edith R Frost obituary 12-31-1979 | |
Frost | Frost-20150828-007.jpg | Robert Frost Obituary | |
Frost | Frost-20160502-006.JPG | "Edith Frost - Photo and article of her from Minnetonka Herald | |
Fruen | Fruen-20050816-001.jpg | - | |
Fruen | Fruen-20050816-002.jpg | - | |
Fruen | Fruen-20050816-003.jpg | - | |
Fruen | Fruen-20050816-004.jpg | - | |
Fruen | Fruen-20050816-005.jpg | Roger Furen article | |
Fruen | Fruen-20050816-006.jpg | Fruen notes | |
Fruen | Fruen-20050816-007.jpg | Fruen notes | |
Fruen | Fruen-20050816-009.jpg | Fruen Cereal Company Tales from Tonka | |
Fruen | Fruen-20050816-010.jpg | Freund notes | |
Fruen | Fruen-20050816-011.jpg | John Freund article | |
Fruen | Fruen-20050816-013.jpg | William Henry Fruen A Spring Found in 1884 Became a Business 1 of 2 | |
Fruen | Fruen-20050816-014.jpg | William Henry Freun....2 of 2 | |
Fruen | Fruen-20111208-015.jpg | "Reba Watson Fruen obituary 02-04-1987 | |
Fruen | Fruen-20111228-016.jpg | "Richard W Fruen obituary 07-01-1986 NOTE: document located in box entitled Annual Meeting Minutes | |
Fruen | Fruen-20120908-017.jpg | "Fruen - ""The Sixtieth Anniversary of the Glenwood-Inglewood Famous Spring Water"" 1884-1944 NOTE: located in Fruen Family Folder" | |
Fruen | Fruen-20120908-018.jpg | "Fruen ""Minneapolis is the Healthiest City in the United States"" US Census Report 1910" | |
Fruen | Fruen-20120908-019.jpg | Fruen - Glenwood Inglewood unidentified | |
Fruen | Fruen-20120908-021.jpg | Fruen - Glenwood Inglewood unidentified | |
Fruen | Fruen-20120908-022.jpg | Fruen - Glenwood Inglewood unidentified | |
Fruen | Fruen-20120908-023.jpg | Fruen - Glenwood Inglewood unidentified | |
Fruen | Fruen-20120908-024.jpg | Fruen - Glenwood Inglewood Ice House | |
Fruen | Fruen-20120908-025.jpg | Fruen - Glenwood Inglewood unidentified | |
Fruen | Fruen-20120908-026.jpg | Freun - Glenwood-Inglewood Letterhead Stationery | |
Fruen | Fruen-20130410-020.jpg | Fruen - Glenwood Inglewood Ice House unidentified | |
Fruen | Fruen-20160818-008.jpg | "Fruen | |
Fruen | Fruen-20160818-012.jpg | J. Donald Fruen Pet Talk | |
Fuller | Fuller-20050816-001.jpg | Fuller notes | |
Fuller | Fuller-20050816-002.jpg | Fuller notes | |
Fuller | Fuller-20050816-003.jpg | Fuller notes | |
Fuller | Fuller-20050816-004.jpg | Fuller letter | |
Fuller | Fuller-20050816-005.jpg | Fuller family tree | |
Fuller | Fuller-20050816-006.jpg | Fuller | |
Fuller | Fuller-20050816-007.jpg | Fuller letter 1 of 2 | |
Fuller | Fuller-20050816-008.jpg | Fuller letter 2 of 2 | |
Fuller | Fuller-20050816-009.jpg | Fuller - Letter | |
Fuller | Fuller-20050816-010.jpg | Fuller - Katherine F Lemke | |
Fuller | Fuller-20050816-011.jpg | Ralph Fuller notes | |
Fuller | Fuller-20050816-012.jpg | Mary Fuller - Guy Fuller - letter | |
Fuller | Fuller-20050816-013.jpg | Fuller - letter | |
Fuller | Fuller-20050816-014.jpg | Fuller letter | |
Fuller | Fuller-20050816-015.jpg | Fuller notes | |
Fuller | Fuller-20050816-016.jpg | Fuller notes | |
Fuller | Fuller-20050816-017.jpg | Mary Wiley Fuller notes | |
Fuller | Fuller-20050816-018.jpg | Mary Fuller | |
Fuller | Fuller-20050816-019.jpg | Fuller notes | |
Fuller | Fuller-20050816-020.jpg | Fuller notes | |
Fuller | Fuller-20050816-021.jpg | Margaret A Fuller memoriam | |
Fuller | Fuller-20050816-022.jpg | Mary E Fuller obituary | |
Fuller | Fuller-20111128-023.jpg | "Mary E Fuller note NOTE: original document located in box entitled Annual Meeting Minutes | |
Fuller | Fuller-20120314-024.jpg | Mary E Fuller note | |
Fuller | Fuller-20160502-025.JPG | Ralph Waldo Fuller 1885-? NOTE: located in photo gallery M14A | |
Fuller | Fuller-20160502-026.JPG | John Henry Guy FUller b.08-23-1881. Photo taken 04-04-1895 NOTE: located in photo gallery M14B | |
Fuller | Fuller-20160502-027.JPG | Guy Fuller; Mary [Wiley] Fuller NOTE; located in photo gallery M14C | |
Fuller | Fuller-20160502-028.JPG | "Ramona Gerhard | |
Fullerton | Fullerton-20050816-001.jpg | Fullerton Lumber Celebrates Grand Opening 1958 | |
Fullerton | Fullerton-20050816-002.jpg | Mrs James G Fullerton | |
Fullerton | Fullerton-20050816-003.jpg | Fullertons advertisement 09-12-1985 | |
Fullerton | Fullerton-20050816-004.jpg | Fullertons Fall Sale advertisement | |
Fullerton | Fullerton-20050816-005.jpg | "Mrs Rames Fullerton | |
Fullerton | Fullerton-20111225-006.jpg | "James Gordon Fullerton Jr obituary 1984 NOTE: document located in box entitled Annual Meeting Minutes | |
Fullerton | Fullerton-20120418-007.jpg | George J Fullerton obituary 10-22-1979 | |
Fullerton | Fullerton-20120418-008.jpg | George J Fullerton obituary 10-22-1979 | |
Fulmer | Fulmer-20110929-001.jpg | Fulmer letter 01-22-94 1 of 3 | |
Fulmer | Fulmer-20110929-002.jpg | Fulmer letter....2 of 3 | |
Fulmer | Fulmer-20110929-003.jpg | Fulmer letter....3 of 3 |