WHCPA Archives
The WHCPA Pioneer Museum offers researchers access to our records on Saturdays from 10 am to 1 pm or by appointment by calling 952)-473-6557. If you cannot come to the Museum, a Museum volunteer will search our records for you for a $10 fee.
Submit a query to the WHCPA Archives Staff by clicking on the following link: Archives Query

Family Files
Files on over 1,400 families
Area Newspapers:
Minnetonka Record (1906 - 1947), Minnetonka Herald (1931 - 1968 some missing)
Family Genealogy Books:
Airy - Pray, Batdorf, Bovey - Stevens, Bryant, Dayton, Doeer, Dillman, Ernst, Eisinger, Halverson, Guise - Snoke - Lewis, Harrington, Weidenbach, Klaers, Lamonts, Lenzen, Mauer - Neddermeyer, Morin, Maxwell, Nichols - Wilson, Holman, Rice, Rogers, Roussel, Schumacher, Grave, Stubbs, Stumpf, Sutherland, Thies, Trumble, Turnham, Wakefield, Wolsfeld
Orono, Wayzata, others